Chapter Twelve

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Alice POV

I felt a big weight lifted off my shoulders when Alistair found out my name, it was like music to my ears every time he said it. Everyone had left us in his office once they all found out who I really was. I nibbled at my paws with my ears perked up, I was slowly adjusting to not being able to see. My sense of hearing was becoming incredibly heightened and so was my sense of smell. I just hoped my face wouldn't be horribly scarred.

"Alice I need to go out for a couple of hours, will you be okay for a bit? No one will bother you and if anyone does just howl and Alex will be right here," he came over to me and stroked his hand down my head through into my neck. I felt the sparks erupt through my body which made me shiver. I wish I could ask what that meant. I nodded my head to him. "Okay I promise not to be long, see you soon." As soon as I no longer felt his touch I longed for it again. I heard the jingle of keys and he was gone. His scent became faint as he left his office so I pulled Thea bear under me and snuggled in close to her hoping he wouldn't be long and hoping he would keep to his promise.

I must have fallen asleep on the sofa because I was shook awake by aloud bang of the door being thrown open and an angry woman coming through it.

"Alistair where the fuck are you!" She screamed. I raised my head perking my ears up trying to work out what she was doing. "The fuck you looking at mutt!" I pinned my ears back, I may not have been around a pack long but I knew that was an insult. I sniffed the air trying to get a read on her, she smelt funny and I didn't like it. It stung my nose. "Well where the fuck is he mutt?" I let out a low growl at her calling me a mutt and rested my head back down. "I guess black wolves really aren't all that big and bad are they. Specially when they're all blind." I cuddled back into Thea bear ignoring her, hoping she would just go away. Alistair wasn't here and that was who she was after.

She didn't. Instead I felt her claws dig into my pelt and drag me off the sofa. I let out a small yelp as I fell to the floor. I stood up and shook out my fur as I stretched out my legs letting her see my strong muscles bristle. If only I could see her face.

"You might be stronger, but I still had him first, remember that bitch," she hissed before running out the room slamming the door behind her. I sat down tilting my head to the side. What did she mean she had him first?

He's been with another she-wolf.

I could feel the anger from my wolf, which made me angry. I still didn't understand though. I grabbed Thea bear and pulled her under me before snuggling with her on the ground. Why did I feel sick and hurt about this?

Alistair walked in five minutes later to see me on the floor. There must have been small droplets of blood where she had dragged me off the sofa because he was quickly by my side trying to check them over.

"Was that Rosie i just saw leave here?" He asked pushing my fur out the way looking to see how deep they were. I knew they weren't deep as they didn't even hurt. I just turned my head away from him and let out a deep low growl. He moved his hands away from me quite taken back from this. I stood up shaking my fur and headed out. Using my other senses I headed back to the room where I slept. I grabbed Thea bear before I left. I used my muzzle to guide me in some places, but eventually found my way.

"Rosie told you didn't she," Why did he have to follow me? If I of could glare I would have done, I wasn't even sure what she told me but I knew it was meant to hurt me. I just curled up and laid my tail over my face. I clenched my jaw and breathed in Thea bears scent. "You don't even know why you're mad do you. You don't know much about mates." I could hear the frustration in his voice. Was this at me or at himself? "I don't think I'm the right person to tell you about mates. I think maybe my mum, my sister or even Alex should do that, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." I didn't uncurl as he spoke, I didn't move when I felt the bed dip when he sat on it. I didn't even move when I felt his hand run down my back, the tingles were there but this time I ignored them. I still got the shivers and the sensations but I shrugged them off. I didn't understand the emotions I was feeling, I didn't understand the mate bond. I just wanted someone to tell me.

Alistair's POV

I didn't like to leave her. Especially with the uproar we just had with the entire clan, but I knew no one would dare harm her now. Alex would be there in a flash if she howled too. The sooner she was part of the pack and could mind link the better. I was going to get one of the pack members to go and get the bear I gave her but I decided to do it myself. I didn't want anyone else to know where the cave was. If she ever needed to have a place to run too if she was too scared, at least she still had this place. It took me about an hour to get there, it felt weird to be here without her. She was always laid in here whenever I was here. Sure enough her bear was there. I couldn't help but smile as I picked it up, It already smelt of her, closing my eyes I inhaled her scent before I headed back to the car.

Driving back to the pack I thought about how I finally knew her name, I could officially accept her as my mate now. I knew what people would think though. With her being stuck in her wolf form, they would think something weird was going on. A few people had already told me she couldn't be Luna until she was marked. This frustrated me. This was pack law that went back generations. I couldn't mark her unless she was willing too and she actually knew what it was. I don't think she knew what being a mate really entailed. I ran my hand through my hair trying to come up with a plan on what to do. She could still be accepted into the pack tomorrow, that was still possible. Most would see her as Luna without the ceremony until she was marked, it would just be a few of the others who would be sceptical.

I pulled up to the pack house and headed into the house with the bear clutched tightly in my hand. Rosie barged right past me with a smirk on her face.

"Oh just met your mutt," she gloated. Giving me a wave. I grabbed her arm and slammed her against the wall." Oohhh kinky."

"What the fuck did you do?" I growled at her, I let my power of an Alpha irradiate off me letting her know I meant business. She clenched her jaw and I could see fear was in her eyes.

"N-n-nothing! "she cried. I let her go and shoved her down the hall before heading towards the office. She ran out the pack house. Should never have got involved with her.

When I got to the office, Alice was on the floor. I could see scarlet droplets on her back and she was letting out soft growls when she breathed out.

"Did I just see Rosie leave here?" I asked as I dropped down to her side, I pushed her fur aside to check how deep her wounds were, they didn't look to deep. They didn't seem to be bothering her either. I let out a deep sigh, I knew I shouldn't have left her. Why didn't she howl for Alex? She turned her head away from me letting out a deep growl. I quickly removed my hands off her not wanting to offend her. I looked to her bandaged up face which saddened me, that felt like my fault too. We still couldn't find Mason. I don't know what I would do if I did find him to be honest. He had caused this.

She stood up shaking out her fur, grabbing her bear she began walking upstairs. I looked down to the bear in my hands. She was mad with me about something. Rosie must have told her what had happened between us when she came in here. That stupid jealous slut. I chased after Alice to see she was curled up on my bed. I watched the rise and fall of chest seeing her perfect black fur all laid out on the duvet beneath her.

"Rosie told you didn't she, I really am sorry, she doesn't mean anything to me." I sighed as I leaned up against the door frame. Her head was pointing right at me, her ears pinned back. She laid her head back down and rested her tail over it to hide, I went to sit down next to her, I hated that I had hurt her. "It happened before I knew I had a mate, I didn't think I would ever find you! I suppose you don't even know why you're mad do you with not knowing much about mates?" It would be her wolfs emotions she would be feelings, her wolf would know what I did, mine definitely did. He was still mad with me even now. "I don't think I'm the right person to tell you about mates. I think maybe my mum, my sister or even Alex's mum should do that, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." I tried to explain to her. She laid there unmoving I was right though. I wouldn't even know how to begin talking to her about this stuff. It was all stuff we learned in werewolf school in separate classes. Male wolves are a lot more possessive than female wolves especially Alpha wolves, and obviously the sex stuff and everything it would have been awkward, weird being in a room full of people we may be mated too. I waited eight long years for my mate and now here she was.

"Alice," I started. She still didn't look at me. "I went to get you the bear I bought you." I told her placing it down next to her. Her head lifted up and she sniffed it out before pulling it under her, next to her other one. I could see her relax as she took in a deep whiff of the bears scent, I hoped Rosie wouldn't cause anymore problems.

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