Chapter Eleven

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Alice Pov

Alistair guided me down the stairs, he had let me bring teddy Thea, he protested to begin with, but I had been very stubborn, he eventually gave in. I padded very close to him letting his scent guide me. I walked on his right side so that my left side of my face was touching him. The right side of my face was very sensitive, and the slightest touch made me cry out in pain. It wasn't long before fresh hair hit my senses, I could smell woodlands, grass, dirt and somewhere in the distance was a lake. Maybe one day soon I could go visit it. I held my head up high taking in a deep breath.

"It smells fresh here doesn't it," Alistair said, I heard him take in a deep breath too. "Come, its this way." He headed down some more steps, it had been hard going down the staircase, I had fallen down the first set, so Alistair had to guide my paws each time, I was to heavy to carry. I felt like an absolute idiot. I had hurt my face too, he had to make sure I hadn't opened any of my wounds.

"Please don't be afraid, I'll be sure that no one will hurt you. Alex will be there, he seems to have taken a liking to you and my mum is there already," Alistair explained. Yes, but what about the rest of the pack? How big was it, he couldn't take them all on if they decided they wanted me dead.

But we can.

I ignored my wolf. I didn't want to think like that. I couldn't think like that. They were about to be my pack; I would be their protector not their destroyer. We turned around a corner and I heard hundreds of voices talking amongst themselves. They started to go quiet as got closer though, was that because they saw me coming? My ears pricked and I could hear whispers, whispers that were about me.

"What is the black wolf doing out of her cage?"

"Why is she bandaged up?"

"Shouldn't she be on a leash?"

"Where is Mason?"

"What is the Alpha playing at?"

"Is she blind?"

"Were all going to die."

"She's smaller than that video."

"Watch your step," Alistair whispered, "were going up some stairs." I stumbled up the first one but managed to get up the rest without tripping, Alistair let me know when there wasn't anymore. My claws clicked on some sort of platform and the crowd gasped at the sight of me. The whispers continued to spread like wildfire amongst the crowd, I tried to ignore them, but they were getting louder and more insulting, it reminded me of the playground bullies when I was at school. I could feel Alistair getting annoyed next to me but before they could do anything Alex and Alistair's mum walked to the other side of us. I gripped Thea bear tightly in my jaw, pain shot through my face, but I ignored it. The bears scent wafted up through my nose which gave me comfort. It reminded me of home.

The crowd started to throw questions at Alistair, and they refused to be ignored, they wanted answers and they wanted them now.

"Why is SHE out of her cage?" A guy shouted up. Alistair tensed and he began to growl.

"She nearly KILLED my mate!" A woman shouted. I let out a whine and cowered down to the ground.

"She needs to be chained up!" Another screamed out.

"Get the silver out, I heard it burns!" One laughed out!

"She's too dangerous, she needs to be killed," Someone else suggested. Would they really kill me?

I won't let them.

"QUIET" Alistair roared. His Alpha tone was used, and everyone bowed down to him, I recalled the time he used his Alpha tone on me, it had little to no effect. Would he ever find out I had Alpha blood in me? 

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