Episode 20

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Episode 20

"I'm General," he introduced himself to Loida.

Inside his head, he was thinking that there are certainly a lot of things that could happen within a day. It was already past seven in the evening, but the next leg of his mission was just beginning.

"There's someone waiting for you downstairs," General informed Loida.

She asked him: "Who? Where?"

"Yumi," he replied. "She got lost around here. Upon approaching the guard, she figured out that she knew someone living here so she asked us to call you out."

General walked ahead of Loida, his focus shifting from the need to adjust his pace so he would not leave her so far behind to the observation that she seemed to have really forgotten what happened last night.

"Could this place also erase memories?" he wondered.

Seven hours ago.

"Trimmittee might not show himself anymore to us after what happened last night. We are on our own, General," Aling Shirley told him.

They were inside his unit, where the mess that Nicholas, Jotham, and Loida have made were still evident.

"You can say that again after you tell me all that I need and all that I want to know," General demanded.

The landlady took out two notebooks from the blue eco-bag that she had brought with herself and put them on General's lap.

"This is what Ratshi gave me!"

"And this one is Nicholas' journal," Aling Shirley pointed to the other notebook.

"I just remembered something," General interrupted her. "You told me before that Zenith isn't my twin sister. What do you mean by that?"

"I will explain it once this is all over." The landlady then added: "My answer to that question will be your reward if you are able to successfully set me free from Trimmittee's curse."

General pushed past the other questions that were bothering him and went on to ask: "What was the curse that he gave you?"

DJ tapped Yumi's shoulder and said: "They're here."

She looked up and saw the guy who approached her earlier when she found herself suddenly standing outside the apartment complex. He was walking towards her direction, with her cousin Loida following him.

"What brought you here?" Loida asked her cousin impatiently. "My head's aching right now and your presence is just making it worse."

"I should have realized this is not a good idea," Yumi told General and DJ. "Thank you for helping me. I'm heading home now."

"Stop right there," Loida told Yumi.

"Get well soon."

"Are you kidding? You have resorted to asking help from me, your cousin who you had betrayed just to get some petty recognition, and you're trying to tell us all that you suddenly don't need my help?"

"You're the one who's being a clown here! You're yelling at my face that you don't want to help me, but then you're making it look like I'm the one refusing your help. And just so you remember, I have already admitted my fault and asked for your forgiveness."

The ringing of General's phone broke the silence that followed after Loida and Yumi expressed their resentments towards one another.

"What are they fighting over?"

He shook his head when he saw the third-floor tenants waving their hands from the veranda.

By the time General turned his attention back to the two cousins, Yumi was already outside the gate.

"Aren't you going to let Yumi stay for the night? You can ask her to attend to your headache," he suggested to Loida.

"You don't know what she did to me."

"Do I have to know? And does it matter more than her safety?"

Seeing his point, Loida followed Yumi outside with her right hand rubbing her throbbing temples.

General then confronted the security officer: "Why did you not stop Yumi the way you stopped Blanco before?"

DJ laughed and pointed out: "I know you'll be able to do it by yourself and you just proved me right."

"Loida seemed to forgot all that transpired last night," General brought up.

"There's no other way. I wished your mission a success, remember?"

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