Chapter 13

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The ambulance took Audrey to the hospital and Spencer never hesitated to follow. Doctors hooked her up to an IV and a heart monitor. Spencer was in the waiting room with JJ. He was pacing back and forth as he heard nothing from the doctors. Morgan, Garcia, and Rossi rushed in.

"Any word?" Rossi asked.

JJ shook her head, "nothing yet."

"Oh Spencer." Garcia teared up as she walked to him and wrapped her arms around him.

He returned the hug as he silently sobbed. Penelope slightly tightened the hug. She pulled away and looked at him. He looked so helpless.

"She took a whole bottle of pills. . ." He spoke between sobs, ". . .like she had nothing left to live for."

Garcia hugged him again, "she's going to be okay. . . . .I promise."

"There were 12 pills in that bottle. . . . . ." He cried.

"She's going to be fine I promise." She assured him.

A doctor walked in the waiting room, "Mr Reid?"

Spencer walked up to him, "How is she? Is she okay?"

The doctor looked at the clip board and back at Spencer, "it was a close call. 12 pills were in her stomach but we were able to flush them out just in time before anything worse could have happened."

"oh thank god." Spencer sobbed.

"Can he go see her?" Morgan asked the doctor.

"She is sleeping but yes he can. Follow me." He answered.

Spencer followed the doctor to the room that Audrey was in. The doctor left as Spencer rushed to Audrey's side. He felt her cheek; feeling the warmth of her body temperature.

"Audrey. . . ." He spoke faintly.

Audrey heard her brothers voice as she slept. She struggled to open her eyes. His sobs only forced her to fight more. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at her brother.

". . .Spencer." She spoke softly.

Spencer looked up at her and his jaw dropped. He immediately hugged her.

"Audrey you scared me so bad." He sobbed, "why would you ever do that?"

Tears welded up in her eyes as the memories replayed in her mind, "I felt ruined."

Spencer pulled away from her and looked at her heartbreakingly. She looked at him with tears drenching her cheeks.

"Tortured by Austin. . . .ruined me. He told me he was going to break me, scar me, and ruin me." She cried, "and he got what he wanted. I-I-I can't erase what he did. I want to. . .but I can't. I fought and fought but he was stronger! He broke me, Spence. I can't ever heal from this. If-If-If I would've ignored him at the bowling alley this wouldn't have happen-"

Spencer cupped her cheeks, "Audrey look at me. This is not your fault. I am going to help you through this. My team is here for you. I am here for you."

She sobbed, "Do you still love me?"

Spencer was appalled by her question. He pulled her into another hug.

"Audrey, you're my baby sister and I love you with all my heart." He told her, "nothing will ever make me stop loving you. Please don't have 2nd thoughts about me loving you."

Audrey tightened her grip on him, "I'm so sorry. . . ."

Spencer rubbed her head, "I'm going to help you. I promise."

They released from the hug as the doctor walked in.

"Mr Reid I'd like to ask you a few questions outside of the room." He spoke.

Audrey's blood ran cold as she looked at her brother in fear. Spencer held her hand.

"I'll be right back." He told her.

Him and the doctor walked out of the room. The doctor looked at the clip board.

"Now Mr. Reid, does Audrey have her own bedroom?"

"Yes. It's directly across from mine." He answered.

"I suggest that she doesn't sleep alone." He briefly told Spencer, "now that your sister is suffering from PTSD, she's unstable and could hurt herself. I've noticed that she had a cut on her shoulder, is that from nightmares?"

"Yes it is." Spencer answered, "she jumped out of bed and hit her chestnut drawers."

"Sleeping alone with PTSD is very dangerous. Many patients with it shake, jerk, and etc while in a nightmare and they severely hurt themselves. She could even possibly hit her head and cause extreme brain damage." The doctor explained.

"I understand." Spencer replied.

"Also, you need to be in charge of her medications to make sure she doesn't over do it." The doctor added, "this overdose was caused from hallucinations."

"What do you mean by that?" Spencer questioned.

"Audrey explained that she saw Austin pointing a gun at her and forcing her to swallow the pills." He answered.

Spencer places his hand over his mouth, "oh my god."

"All I'm saying is that she needs to be watched." The doctor spoke, "she is terrified of you abandoning her in this situation."

"I understand. Thank you doctor." Spencer told him.

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