Chapter 6

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The team met up at Spencer's house and he was pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Reid what happened?" Hotch asked.

"I came home and I opened the garage to my car in and I didn't expect Audrey's car to still be there. I thought she might've felt sick but I walked inside I saw all her things on the floor and no sign of her anywhere." He panicked.

Emily put gloves on and picked up Audrey's phone.

"What's her password, Spencer?" She asked.

"Her birthday. 0518." He answered.

Emily unlocked her phone, "It's still on her contacts. Reid, you were the last person she spoke to."

"So you're saying. . ."

"She was abducted after you got of the phone with her." JJ finished.

"The unsuub was already in the house before you called her." Rossi added

Spencer felt his heart drop to stomach. He walked upstairs, leaving his team with the last objects she had. The team remained quiet. Morgan walked upstairs to find Reid. He heard soft sobs coming from Audrey's room.

He walked in the bedroom and saw Spencer sitting on her bed and holding onto an old fawn build a bear stuffed animal that had a flower crown on its head. Spencer was holding onto it tightly as the stuffed animal captured the tears that he shed.

"How long has she had that?" Morgan asked.

"I bought it for her after I put my mother in that place." Spencer answered, "she was too young to understand and I was always at school studying to be where I am now. My voice is in this stuffed animal to remind her that I wasn't leaving her no matter what."

Morgan placed his hand on Reid's shoulder, "kid, we're going to find Audrey. We are not going to let this unsub take away the most important person in your life. You've raised and cared for her since she was 6, Spencer. You know her better than any of us in the house right now. Which is why we need you to give us any information that is going to help us find her."

Spencer took a deep breath and wiped his tears, "okay."

Audrey was unconscious with bruises covering her body. The man had beaten her everywhere except her head; his plan was to make her feel the pain he gave her. She passed out from pain overfilling her body. She slowly opened her eyes and slowly sat up. She then heard footsteps coming down to the basement.

"How was your nap?" He asked.

Audrey didn't say anything since the tape was still covering her mouth. She only glared at him right in his piercing green eyes. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife and a bottle of pills. He ripped the tape off her mouth, making her scream in pain.

"Stop doing this." She spoke, "I did nothing to you."

"You're going to swallow these pills like a good little girl." He spoke.

"I'm not swallowing shit from you." She growled.

He was about to slap her but she head butted him hardly. He fell over and dropped the objects. Audrey felt extremely dizzy but she quickly grabbed the knife and cut the ropes that binded her wrists. She stood up and sprinted towards the door. She stumbled up the stairs and reached the door.

She tried to open it but the guy grabbed her and slung her down the stairs. She hit her head as she hit the last step at the bottom.

"Fiesty one, aren't you?" He asked as he made his way to her.

She groaned in pain, "my brother will kill you once he finds you."

He chuckled, "no one will bother to look for you. Not even your brother."

"You're wrong." She growled at him.

"No, sweetheart." He smiled, "I'm right."

He then wrapped a rope around her neck. Audrey tried to hit him or at least rip his face off but he ended up sitting on her arms. Audrey started to lose oxygen as he tightened the rope around her neck.

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