Chapter 9

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Audrey was fighting against Austin's grip as he choked her violently. The barbwire around her wrists dug into her skin.

"I'll break you. . .scar you. . .and ruin you." He spoke.

He pulled out a gun and pointed it at her head. He pulled the trigger.

"NO!" Audrey yelled sitting up from the hospital bed.

"Audrey!" Spencer panicked as he stood up from the chair

She looked at her surroundings rather quickly. Her breaths became sharp as a panic attack was sneaking up on her.

"Get me out, get me out, GET ME OUT!" She screamed as she pulled her hair.

Spencer held her shoulders, "Audrey! Look at me!"

Audrey was still panicking, "Get off me!"

Spencer then cupped her face, "Audrey! You're safe! You aren't at Austin's anymore!"

Audrey then stopped as tears flooded her eyes, "S-Spencer?"

Tears fell from Spencer's eyes, "Audrey. . . ."

She hugged him tightly as if she was dangling off a cliff. She started to sob.


"Shhh Audrey you're safe." He told her, "you don't need to worry."

". . .He raped me. . ." She sobbed.

Spencer pulled away and looked at her in shock, "what?"

Tears drenched her cheeks, "he beat me with a-a-a-a baseball bat, he forced me to overdose on pills, he cut m-m-me with a pocket knife, a-and he raped me while he had a gun to my head."

She sobbed loudly as Spencer's heart broke into a million pieces. He pulled her into a hug as tears fell from his eyes.

"I couldn't do anything!" She cried.

His grip tightened around her, "you're going to go home with me and everything's going to be okay."

"No it's not!" Audrey yelled, pulling away from her brother.

Morgan walked in, "Reid, we need her to tell us what Austin did to her."

"She just told me." He argued.

"We need to get her to explain." Morgan replied.

Spencer looked at thr ground, then to Audrey, then back to Morgan, "as long as I'm in the room."

"Spencer can you hold my hand?" Audrey sobbed.

"Of course." He replied as he sat next to her and held her hand.

He looked at the barbwire wounds around her wrists. They looked extremely painful. Morgan sat in front of Audrey.

"Audrey I need you to close your eyes and go back to getting off the phone with Spencer while he was on the plane." Morgan explained to her.

She tightened the grip on Spencer's hand, "I-I-I can't. I don't wanna relive those moments!"

"Audrey we're right here and we aren't leaving." Morgan told her.

Audrey looked over at Spencer with glossy eyes.

"Close your eyes, Audrey." He said softly.

Audrey closed her eyes.

"Okay. So you're talking to Spencer on the phone about the case we just solved. You get off the phone and grab your things to go to school, right?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah. . ."

"What happened next?" He asked.

"I was walking to the garage until he grabbed me from behind in the house." She answered.


"He hit me in the head with gun and took me to his basement." She finished.

"What did the basement look like?" He asked.

"I woke up with rope tied tightly around my wrists. My head was pounding from the pain. But the basement looked normal." She explained.

"Did you try anything to loosen the rope?" Morgan asked.

"Yes. But they only grew tighter and more painful. . . .then he came in."


"Yeah. I asked him what he wanted from me. He duct taped my mouth and said. . . "

"I want to break you. . . .scar you. . . .and ruin you."

"And then he hit me with the bat!!" She panicked as she squeezed Spencer's hand.

"Audrey I'm right here." Spencer reminded her.

"What happened next, Audrey?" Morgan asked.

"I passed out from pain. He wanted me to feel it. I woke up. . .hours later. He came down again. This time he had the pills and the knife. . . ."

"You're going to swallow these pills like a good little girl."

"I'm not swallowing shit from you."

"I head butted him and ran for the door. . .but I didn't make it. He threw me down the stairs and I hit my head on the last step. He wrapped a rope around my neck and choked me."

She immediately placed her hand on her neck where the mark was.

"When I woke up there was barbwaire tied around my wrists and ankles. He forced the pills down my throat and I passed out. He cut me everywhere." She cried.

"What happened next?" Morgan asked.

"6 pills wasn't enough to knock me out. . . .so I woke up and head butted him again. He pressed the gun against my head. . . ."

"You're going to look me in the eyes once I start, understood?"

"Then he raped me. . . ." She sobbed.

He thrusted into her as he kept his eyes and the gun on her as she was crying.

"Then he forced more pills down my throat and hit in me the head with bat." She sobbed, "that's all I remember."

"You can open your eyes now, Audrey." Morgan said, "you did good."

Audrey gasped as she opened her eyes and Spencer hugged her tightly.

"He did what he wanted." Audrey sobbed, "I'm broken, scarred, and ruined."

Spencer's heart cracked as he heard his little sister say what he did to her and how he made her feel. He cried as he held her tightly. Morgan walked out of the room to the others.

"Austin has damaged Audrey." He spoke, "she won't ever be the same."

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