Chapter 17

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After eating dinner, Spencer began cleaning up while Audrey changed into her pajamas and brushed her teeth. As Spencer was cleaning, his phone went off. He paused what he has doing and picked up his phone and answered it.

"Hey Morgan." He spoke.

"Hey Reid, what are you doing?" Derek asked.

"Just cleaning up after dinner while Aud is getting ready for bed. What's up?" He asked.

"This is kinda hard to say." He spoke, "but Audrey has to testify against Austin in court for his sentence next week."

Spencer's though process stopped, "I thought he was getting 5 years and the death penalty."

"Apparently his lawyer has cut a few curves to get him out of it but Audrey is the only one that can change his sentence. But she has to relive those memories over again in order to get the justice she deserves." He explained.

"I don't know how the hell he could cut corners when he literally raped my baby sister." Spencer growled.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Morgan replied, "but I'd thought I'd just let you know so you both have time to prepare."

"Thanks, Morgan. I'm gonna get ready for bed. Goodnight."

"Night, kid." 

He hung up the phone and slouched over the kitchen counter, sighing. He finished cleaning and walked upstairs. He saw Audrey sitting in bed watching tv.

"Hey, Aud." He spoke, "I gotta tell you something."

"What is it?" She asked as she turned down the volume on the tv.

Spencer sat next to her, "Morgan just called me. He said that you have to testify against Austin next week in court."

Audrey's heart stopped, "I thought he was getting the death penalty."

"That's what I thought too." He replied, "but you need to do this in order to receive justice for what he did to you."

She began to hyperventilate, "Buthe'sgonnaseemeandstartstaringatmeandIstarttofeelpainalloveragainandwhatifIgeapanicattack-"

"Audrey, think of the baby!" He reminded her, as he knew too much stress could harm the baby.

Audrey took a deep breath, "you're right."

"The team and I will be with you in court." Spencer spoke, "we're the ones who found you and arrested him."

Audrey hugged her brother, "I'm scared, Spence."

He hugged her back tightly, "I know, but we will get through this."

"What if he harms the baby?" She asked.

Spencer held her tighter, "I will not let that monster hurt you or the baby."

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