Angry Princes

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(Read A/N at the bottom :))

Chapter 10


Caoimhe's POV:


I woke up a while later to the raised voices of Katara and Aang, and let me tell you, I did not appreciate it.

"Well that's good for you," Katara quipped, sounding awfully snooty.

"Fine," Aang answered back, equally as snooty.


"Alrighty what's going on out here? You guys are making more noise than Sokka's stomach when he's hungry and I was trying to sleep," I glared half heartedly at the duo. They both simply sent me a throwaway glance before Aang walked out and Katara continued her sewing. "...rightyo..."

"Sorry for waking you Caoimhe, Aangs decided he's going to go ride the Unagi..." Katara sighed. My eyes few open and any drowsiness I had faded away.

"Are you kidding me?!?! Does he want to get himself killed? Why the heck didn't you stop him?!" Katara gave me a guilty look as I groaned in frustration. I shook my head disappointedly at her. "Well, get up then. We have to go stop the Avatar from committing suicide." What has my life come to?

As we walked down by the lake, the board of girls that had been following us earlier were all trudging back up the path to the village, uttering about being disappointed, but there was no Aang in sight. Instead, we found the boy wading in the lake looking more than slightly downcast.

"Hey Aang!" Katara called out, giving him a small wave.

"Katara! You came!" What am I? A bloody pencil?

"Well, we weren't just going to let you get yourself killed by doing something this stupid - not without at least coming to watch!" I called out, sending the Avatar a wink. Aang chuckled before letting out a sigh.

"Listen, i'm sorry about what I said to you today," He apologised. Katara shook her head.

"I'm sorry too, you deserve to have fun and let loose, it wasn't fair of me to stop you from that." She replied and the sense that I was third wheeling kicked in quick.

"So are we good?" Aang asked. Katara chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, we're good. Now get out of the water before you catch a cold!" She called out. Aang held a boyish grin on his face and began swimming back over to us, but a dark shadow had overcast the water. Katara and I exchanged a look.

"Aang! Look out! Hurry!" Aang sent a fleeting wide eyed look behind him, when the Unagis head popped out of the water. He cried out as it threw him on his head, Aang grabbing its whiskers to help himself.

"Aang!" Katara and I cried out worriedly. The Unagi trashes it's head around, Aang holding on tightly until eventually he flew off. Aangs body fell into the shallows of the water and Katara and I quickly ran forwards to get to him. His eyes were closed so I checked his pulse, he was breathing. He would be okay. But now that wasn't the issue.

"Fire Nation..." Katara muttered. I sent her a questioning look when the large metal ship came into my view. It was Zukos ship.

"Oh crap." I looked between Aang, Katara and the ship and then stood up. "You take care of Aang, i'm going to go warn the village." Katara nodded and I ran up the path to the village, going as fast as my legs could take me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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