Rescue Mission

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Chapter 5


Caoimhe's POV:


Appa had been swimming through the water since we left, and even I was beginning to lose hope that he could actually fly.

"C'mon bud! Just a few flaps of those feet and we'll be off!" I said encouragingly, but Appa still stayed half-submerged in the water. Katara had taken the reins now and I laid on my back across the middle of the saddle, Sokka was leant lazily against the bedroll at the back fo the saddle.

"Go. Fly. Soar." He said unenthusiastically. I let out a sigh as no flying action occurred.

"Up-pa?" I tried with a chuckle, giving my knee a little slap as I laughed at my own joke. Katara sent me an unimpressed look whilst Sokka huffed amusedly, still rolling his eyes.

"What was it that kid said? Hup-hup?-" Sokka tried.

"-Yee-ha?-" I gave it a go.


"Tut-tut?-" Both of us were equally unimpressed.


Suddenly, Appa began growling and shaking, and I quickly sat up from where I was laying. I grabbed onto the side of the saddle and in two seconds we were airborne. I jumped over to the edge of the saddle, looking down at the scattered ice and water below us.

"You did it Sokka!" Katara cheered and I let out a whoop, feeling the icy wind kissing my face.

"He's flying! He's flying! Katara, Caoimhe he's-" He cut himself off when he noticed our amused looks, crossing his arms and sitting back down. He cleared his throat. "-I mean... Big deal, he's flying." Katara and I both shared a look and laughed. I set myself back down on my stomach, my head hanging over the edge of the saddle - if I could tell my brothers about this they would be so jealous! 

I didn't let myself think any more about my home and family, or the next time I would see them - we had to find Aang right now. That was what was important.

We flew for another 10 minutes, moving much faster now that we were in the air when the sight of the fire nation ship came into view.

"Down there Appa!" Katara called out and I held on tight as Appa quickly descended down. He landed quite hard and it took me a moment to recover before I jumped off the saddle seeing Aang fall overboard into the water. Sokka, Katara and I all cried out, and then a blue glow lit up the ocean floor. I watched in wonder as Aang floated above the water surface, his tattoos and eyes glowing with the same blue light as his body was wrapped in a water-like tornado, holding above the ocean. Judging by the looks on everyone else's faces, this was not a normal occurrence in this world. Aang brought himself back on board, landing right in front of the good-looking, yet evil, fire nation guy. He was still glowing and bending the water around him when he landed. He attacked all of the fire nation guards around him, sending all of them flying away - including the good looking guy who fell overboard. 

"Now that was some waterbending!" I heard Sokka say from behind me as Aang collapsed, the glowing light from his tattoos fading. I quickly ran over to him, Katara and Sokka close behind me as we all helped him up.

"Aang, are you okay?" Katara asked, trying to lift him up by his shoulders. The kid opened his eyes tiredly.

"Hey Katara, Caoimhe, Sokka. Thanks for coming." He mumbled and I smiled at him. This kid...

"Well, I couldn't let you have all the glory now could I?" Sokka asked jokingly.

"I dropped my staff," Aang said looking around for it. I saw it only a few feet away, near the edge of the ship and ran to get it. As I picked it up, another hand grabbed the end of it scaring the living crap out of me. I squealed, struggling to hold on as the fire nation teenager pulled himself up over the edge. I tried to push him back off and succeeded by poking it in his face. He fell back but managed to grab onto the chain.

"Um... sorry about that! Please don't be mad!" I called out quickly running away from the edge. When I turned back around, Katara was helping Aang onto Appa and Sokka was a few feet away.

"C'mon let's go Caoimhe!" He called out. I nodded and raced towards him, both of us running back to Appa as guards began to recover and head at us. I made it to Appa when I turned to see Sokka trapped in ice, a result of Katara's untrained bending. He yelled at his sister and began digging himself out with his boomerang whilst I passed Aang's staff back up to him. Katara and I both climbed up Appa and I saw that she managed to freeze the fire nation guards. Katara called out to Sokka who was still digging himself out, and then he too raced up Appa. Within a moment we were airborne once again, flying away safely from the Fire Nation ship.

I let out a sigh of relief and looked back down at the ship, not prepared to see a massive ball of fire coming straight at us.

"Uh... guys! We've got a problem!" I called and Aang, who had recovered a bit leapt to the back of the saddle beside me, waving his staff powerfully and redirecting the fire into the cliff beside us. The cliff crushed, covering the fire nation ship with snow and ice, and we all laughed and cheered as we got away safely.


We flew for a few minutes in silence, each of us recovering from what we had just faced until we all finally turned to Aang.

"That- that was amazing! How did you do that with the water?!" Katara excitedly asked. Her, Sokka and I were all seated in the saddle whilst Aang was near Appa's head at the front.

"I don't know. I just sort of did it." Aang shrugged and I let out a laugh.

"Ah yes, that is how magical powers are achieved, young grasshoppers - by the wise words of Aang, 'just do it,'" Everyone chuckled at my statement and I smiled, turning back to Aang. "So why didn't you tell us you were the Avatar?" I asked him, his face grew sad and he turned away, making me feel bad for asking - I didn't know it was a touchy subject! Heck, I'm still not quite sure what the Avatar is!

"Because... I never wanted to be..." I debated asking for more information about this whole 'Avatar thing', but figured now was not the right time to ask. So, as the conversation died out, I laid back and let my eyes shut, feeling the exhaustion of the day finally set in - this was easily the craziest day of my life, so much for my winter break plans, because I don't think my life is ever going to be the same.


And that is the end of the first little part! SO! I wanna hear your opinions on everything! What do you think about Caoimhe? Do you like her character or not? Also, we still haven't built on the whole reason as to why she's in this world, and I'd love to hear your guesses. What's so special about her, yeah? Thank you so much for reading and I'd appreciate it if you left a like and comment! See you next time!

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