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Chapter 8


Caoimhe's POV:


The wind breezed through my hair as we flew through the skies. Our quartet sat in a comfortable silence as we flew over the open ocean. Katara was sewing Sokka's ripped pants, Sokka was sharpening his machete and Aang was navigating the world atop Appa's head. I was sat in my usual spot, leaning against the side of Appa's saddle. Momo was sleeping, stretched out with his head and paws on my leg and his tail curled around Sokka's foot. I had been playing with my airbending, trying out a new trick Aang had taught me last night - it was simple really, but I loved it. A flat sphere of air - like a frisbee - and I controlled its movement, watching it fly out and then be pulled back in like it was attached to a tether. I had been getting better with my Airbending over the last short while that Aang had been teaching me. Since we were always on the move we had been getting up before sunrise to go and meditate - something about the importance of breath? I wasn't sure but by now the breathing exercises we had done had become second nature to me. After the meditation, we would do some stretching as Aang said I needed to be much more flexible in my movements, and then we would move on to the actual air bending. A lot of it was just concentration, and as we had had to keep moving I hadn't advanced in my ability much, but it was getting easier to manipulate the air - even now, I had started with this frisbee only being able to send it out 10 meters, but now it was going as far as 50 meters, which is still nothing compared to Aang's range, but I've only been an Airbender for 4 days.

"You have no idea where you're going do you?" Sokka suddenly asks, making me look away from my airbending frisbee - it may or may not have slapped me in the face, and I may or may not have nudged Katara for laughing.

"Well, I know it's near water." Aang shrugged. I chuckled as I looked at where we are - the middle of the ocean.

"Water you know? We must be nearby!" I joked, earning deadpanned looks from both Katara and Aang, but Sokka chuckled, so that's enough.

"Are you sure about that, Caoimhe? I can't seem to sea any land," I laughed and slapped my knee at Sokka's joke, possibly slightly maybe a little bit overselling my amusement of it - but hey, if I'm not dramatic then I'm practically useless.

"Dang it Sokka, I'm getting rather tide of your horrible puns," I told him with a wink. He laughed, throwing his head back like a little kid as he did. I smiled, feeling proud of myself for making him laugh - my friends back home never did appreciate my jokes I don't know why though - I mean, I'm freaking hilarious.

"But you didn't even look..." I tuned back into Katara and Aangs conversation to see Katara waving off Aangs attempt at impressing her. I brought my hand to hide my smile at the Avatar's very obvious crush. It's cute.

"Stop bugging her airhead, you need to give girls space when they do their sewing," Sokka spoke up from the back of the saddle. I furrowed my brows as I turned to him - did he mean for that to sound so... sexist?

"What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?" Katara asked, glaring at her brother. I raised a brow in question, giving him an equally daring glance. Turns out, Sokka is an oblivious misogynistic brat who can't keep his mouth shut.

"Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that." I gaped at the casualness in his voice and slapped him across the back of the head. He let out a yelp as I did.

"Katara, do you think I could borrow that needle real quick? I just need to show Sokka some other uses for them." I gritted, glaring at Sokka menacingly - how dare he say something so sexist so casually! Sokka, realizing the situation he had gotten himself into, shuffled away from me, looking more than slightly scared. Serves him right. Katara smiles sweetly at Sokka - far too sweetly, might I add.

"Oh! I'm finished with your pants! And look at what a great job I did!" With that, she throws the fabric at Sokka, amusing myself and her as he holds it up to see the massive hole in it. Sokka lets out a strange gurgling noise in outrage.

"Katara! I can't wear these! Please I was just kidding! Katara!" The girl in question made a good show of ignoring her brother, and I giggled behind my hand. Aang, ever the people pleaser and ambassador of the 'everyone-please-get-along club' smiled his goofy smile at us.

"Relax Sokka, where we're going you need pants!" With that said he pulled at Appa's reigns, sending us down to land on an island that we would've seen earlier had we not been arguing - oops.


Once we landed, I was quick to run off into the bush area, only calling out that I was going to the bathroom before I disappeared - It's a small island, I'm sure even with my horrible sense of direction I'd be able to find them.

I walked for a few minutes until I decided I was far enough away from anything that I could relieve myself - that had to be the worst thing about being here, the lack of bathrooms! Of course, they had them once we got into villages, but since we were travelling the world, most forests aren't exactly bathroom-abundant.

Once I was finished, I stood and walked in the direction I'm pretty sure was the way I came - but to be fair, all of these trees and snow and shrubs look the same, and so, I wasn't too surprised to find I had gone in the wrong direction. I did, however, come across a village. It had an enormous statue of some Harajuku girl with a fan so it was hard to miss. Since I am a curious soul, I decided to venture into the village - plus, I hoped maybe I could get some more supplies for my 'time of the month' which had arrived. I was currently using a ripped part of one of Sokka's shirts to get me through, as Katara, despite being only a few months younger than me, had still not gotten her period - let's not go over the details of that awkward encounter.

As I walked towards the gates I was stopped by a lady. She seemed to only be around my age but she looked identical to the lady in the statue - by this point you'd think nothing would surprise me anymore (considering the whole world travelling thing, airbending thing, getting chased by an extremely attractive banished prince thing, riding around on a flying bison, etcetera) and yet, I still found myself surprised by the whole look - I mean they were clearly fighters, but wasn't it hard to move around in that heavy dress?

"Who are you?" The girl asked, narrowing her eyes at me. She was around the same height at me, nearly matching my 5"11', and had brown hair that was borderline red, cut just above her shoulders.

"I'm Caiomhe, it's nice to meet you!" I smiled as pleasantly as I could think, hoping that maybe challenging my inner-Aang would make these people like me enough not to stab with their fans.

"And what are you doing here?" She asked, not moving from her defensive position. I tried to wave off her concern casually as if the fact that I was talking to literal warriors wasn't terrifying me at all.

"My friends and I are travelling - we're trying to get to the North Pole, you see - but we made a stop here since we needed supplies, so, here I am!" The girl only narrowed her eyes at me.

"Are you Fire Nation?" She asked suspiciously. I shook my head 'no', letting out what I was hoping was a casual chuckle.

"Oh, heavens no!" Good going, Caoimhe, now you sound like your grandmother. I took in a breath and tried to keep composed. "I'm actually from the Southern Water Tribe - same as my friends, we really are just trying to get to our sister tribe up North," I told her, mostly dropping my act. I figured that we probably shouldn't be going around telling people we were travelling with the Avatar, as not to alert a certain Fire Nation Prince - even if he is crazy attractive.

The girl questioned me for a few more seconds before she seemed to decide that I wasn't a threat - honestly, I'm probably about as threatening as a puppy - so, not at all. She waved me into the village and I strolled the marketplace, looking for what I needed.


I had just paid for the supplies, using up the small amount of money I had left, when I noticed that a crowd had gathered around near the statue. I walked over curiously, pushing my way to the front. I ducked my head around on of the fighter girls - officially known as the 'Kyoshi Warriors' but that's a lot less fun than 'fighter girls' - and then I saw what the crowd was for.

"Oh, Aang, Katara, Sokka, you made it!" I greeted them with a smile, ignoring the fact that they were tied up in ropes.


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