"Wait! Pretty butterfly! Please stay still! I want to show you to dad!"

Inkblot was flying overhead, struggling to warn Madeline to slow down before she...



Madeline shakily stood up and looked around for what she tripped on. Her eyes widened and she gasped when her sight fell upon the object of her curiosity.

It was a turtle, but not just any turtle. The turtle's shell shone with the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and violet. It was a beautiful sight. What was not so beautiful was the expression on the turtle's face.

"Hey kid, can't you see I'm walking here?"

Madeline felt the beginning of tears coming to her eyes.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Turtle. I just wanted to catch that butterfly! Now I've gone and lost it, and clumsy old me wasn't watching where I was going, and I tripped on your shell, and what if you're hurt, and it's all my fault, and...."

"Hey, hey, hey. Stop your crying kid. It's okay. My shell's indestructible! It'll take more than some tike like you to break it."

On the turtle's face was an expression of remorse.

Madeline immediately brightened upon hearing the turtle's reassurance. Her sadness was gone, replaced by a strong interest and desire for knowledge.

"What's your name, Mr. Turtle? Why are you in my dad's garden?"

"I'm not Mr. Turtle, kid. I don't got a name. Never needed one. And for your information, I'm looking for a new home. Must have taken a wrong turn somewhere to end up in this neighborhood..."

"You don't have a name? But everyone has a name, Mr. Turtle! What about I give you one?"

"You? Kid, please. Like I said, I've been fine with no name, and I don't-"

Madeline was about to cry again.

"Alright, alright! Just stop with your waterworks kid. Fine. Give me a name. And it better be good, y'hear?"

Madeline adopted a thinking pose.

"Hm...Well, you're really good at hiding, Mr. Turtle. How about I call you...Sneak!"

"Sneak, huh? Sneak the turtle. Has a nice ring to it."

"Yay! Oh, and I never introduced myself. My name is Madeline. My friends call me Maddie. And speaking of friends, there's one right there!"

Madeline excitedly pointed to a tree a distance away. Perched on the tree, silently watching the entire exchange, was Inkblot. Upon his discovery, Inkblot flew to perch on Madeline's shoulder.

"Yo. The name's Inkblot. I'm Madeline's first friend, and don't you forget it pal."

"Hah! Who said I want to be pals with you?!"

So the rivalry between Inkblot the raven and Sneak the turtle began. Sneak "moved in" with Madeline and though he would never say it out loud, he grew a soft spot for her. Sneak was the more level headed and grounded of the trio. Inkblot encouraged Madeline to be more outgoing, but it was Sneak who always reminded her to never forget her true self.


Madeline's group of magical friends continued to grow.

When she went hiking and camping with her dad, she met a sasquatch who she dubded Mr. Link. The aforementioned Mr. Link preferred the name Susan. Susan helped Madeline look for wood to start a campfire. While Madeline and her dad were enjoying the smores they made, she secretly snuck a few to Susan. Her dad knew she loved sweets, including pancakes and anything with maple syrup, but even he was slightly surprised how many smores his daughter could eat.

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