Part 4-Cadia Riverlands

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We went to Cadia Riverlands early in hope that we can reach there in 2 days.
We had to go through a few though terrains but we didn't care because it was worth it. When we started we had to go up the mountain and down the mountain to get there. Luckily none of us got hurt so the journey was super smooth. During the evening we found a big tree so we camped underneath the tree for shelter, we packed some food so we ate it as our dinner. After that, we set up a little place for us to sleep, although it was not really comfortable, we still could sleep. Midnight, Wanwan wanted to get us some breakfast so she woke up from bed without telling me and looked for some food nearby, she found a few mushrooms and a small deer so she captured it and left it under the tree and went back to bed.

"Rise and shine!!!" Wanwan said to wake me up. She already prepared breakfast so we didn't worry much about that. When Wanwan ate the mushrooms, she felt dizzy. I guess the mushroom was poisonous and she didn't even say a single thing. I saw her faint on the ground. I was panicking and I checked our first aid kit if there are any antibiotics. Too bad, there's none. She was getting fever so I just got our stuff and carried her. I ran as fast as I can just to go to Cadia Riverlands. I was scared that it was too late when I reached there and she could not be saved so I rushed to a nearby town and asked for help. They are kind enough to give us some medication for her so I thanked them and continued my journey. Suddenly she woke up, I asked her whether she was ok or not. "Ling, I think I have a fever. Please help me" Wanwan cried. I fed her the antibiotics and she went to sleep behind my back.
"I saw it!! I saw it!!" I shouted. "Saw what?" she said. Cadia Riverlands is just around 2 miles away from us. Well, I was just too careless and..... I slipped. I scratched my arm and my leg a little and it was bleeding. I couldn't let Wanwan go so I was limping on the way there. I shouted "HELP!! HELP!!". A man came to help us. He was Zilong.

I asked Zilong to help Wanwan first cause she had a very high fever, I just sat on the ground and stopped the bleeding from my arm and leg. Zilong allowed us to enter his house so we went in. Zilong let Wanwan rest on the couch while treating her medicines for fever and poison. " Is she going to be alright?" I asked. Zilong answered "Yes she will be just let her rest. Now, are you okay??" He got some ointment and helped me apply it on my cuts. Although I sting a little, at least it's gonna heal faster. After that, I asked Zilong,"How many people are there in Cadia Riverlands?" He replied "Actually, not much just me, Baxia, The Great Dragon and a few villagers. Oh, so they learn from the Great Dragon."I and Wanwan wanted to improve our skills too, can I talk to the Great Dragon?" I asked. Zilong just grabbed my hand and asked me to follow him. Then I saw Great Dragon's temple I told Zilong to wait outside while I enter by myself. I saw the Great Dragon sitting on a big chair. I bowed down and asked "The Great Dragon, may I know whether or not you can accept us in your teachings?" The Great Dragon replied "You will have to pass a quest to be worthy for my teachings, there will be blood, tears, injuries and also fear."
When I heard that sentence, I was scared that Wanwan could not stand the things that are in the quest. So I wanted to make a deal with the Great Dragon "The Great Dragon, my friend also wanted to learn from your teachings but she is a female, I don't think she can go through all the tough things so can I make a deal with you?" I asked. The Great Dragon said " Yes but for that, you will have to do double the quest, that means it will be harder for you. And it's a solo quest so no help allowed. No one has ever went through such a hard quest. Most of them died on the way. Are you willing to do it?" I said "Yes".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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