Part 2- The Tangmens

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On the way there, the few villagers found a small cabin. The villagers were tired so they rested in the cabin for a while. After several minutes, They continued their way to go to Tangmen.
After another hour of walking, we finally managed to reach the Tangmens village. The villagers quickly put me (Ling) down. The doctors took off my plasters and quickly get to work. I already had a severe fever. They didn't realized it yet. I was to weak to speak at that time, I just let them patch up my wounds. My abdomen stab needed stitches because it went through my body. I haven't had stitches before when I was a kid until now. They didn't let me go to sleep so I could feel the pain which is terrible. I was crying from the pain. When they stitched me, I was moaning and groaning. The pain was so bad that I ended up passing out. When I woke up, I saw myself on a bed. The doctors helped me changed my clothes so I wouldn't feel so cold. It was at night, I could no fall asleep because I was scared that I will accidentally rub on my wounds. But I actually slept. In the morning, the doctors saw that I was not feeling comfortable, they touched my neck to check my temperature. I was on high fever!!! My lips were very pale. Then the doctor gave me a treatment. I had no appetite at all for the 1st 3 nights. The doctors gave me some medication to stop the fever.

After 2 Days

I was finally able to walk properly!! I was very happy because now I can go back to my own village to continue my normal life. But I am still in the Tangmen village so I looked around my surroundings. I saw a beautiful women. She was looking at me, I waved at her, she seemed shocked when I did that. She came to me and asked for my name. I told her I was Ling, the Cyan Finch. She found it very attractive, so I asked her back."What about yours" with a smile on my face." My name is Wanwan" she said. So she ended up inviting me over to her house that night. We ate our dinner togather with her father. After our dinner we went to see the stars. "It's so beautiful, like you. Ling" she said. I blushed and started to realized that she had a crush on me. We didn't sleep at the same bed because. Ummm.......we just met. I slept soundly that night, it was a very enjoyable day if you ask me. Ahhhhh I woke up yawning, I went out to see Wanwan. She was preparing breakfast for me to eat. I felt that was something that no one has ever did for me in 5 years. I appreciated her breakfast that she made for me. I am liking her personality. After our breakfast, we went Sat togather and chatted. I told her what happened to me and why did I come to the Tangmen's village. She was shocked and hugged my arm. I was thinking in my mind " Wow she really likes me" so we had lots of fun togather. We helped her villagers and also her father keep the village safe. In the afternoon, we went into the jungle on a hunt for food to feed our entire village. I was hopping from tree to tree and suddenly I slipped off. I fell to the ground. Wanwan held my arm and pull me up. "Are you hurt?" she asked. "Its nothing, don't worry about me, it's just a minor injury" I replied. I hurt my neck a little bit but I didn't really care about it. After some hunting, we brought back a few pigs and cows. The farmers kept the cows to breed, and we slaughtered the pigs for food. After all that, I STINK. it's not a way to impress a girl. But she didn't even care about it. I went to bathe. When I was done she dressed herself beautiful. Her outfit was just amazing!!! Then we went to eat dinner. After all that. She let me enter her room. We sat on her bed and she hugged me and also kissed me. I was shocked that she would do that. I also held her back towards me. We hugged togather and kissed for a while. After that, she said "I'm sorry if that's not comfortable, am I going too far?". I said" I love you" and we continued.
We had a few more nights togather and I also wanted to go back to my own village. I didn't dare to break her heart so I kept it a secret until she found out that I have no been very happy lately. " Are you okay darling?" She said.  I wanted to break it to her but I just can't. And she asked " When are you going back to your village?". I was shocked that she knew I wasn't from the Tangmens.  I asked how did she know. She told me Tangmens don't have such white skin colour. Then I said " I'm sorry, i need to go back to my own village". She begged me not to go. But I needed to, she shed a tear on my shoulder. So without any word, I stood up packed my medication and went back.

Author's Note
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