Chapter 1

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Six minutes late.
This meeting was of no importance to her, but her parents were a different story.
Vearus was known as the Dark Kingdom. It was customary for royals to have the parents leave their children on the throne. Bella thought it was stupid. Her parents had abandoned her long before she took the throne.
Her mother would've scolded her for being late. Her father would've done what her mother said. That's if they were here.
They had left six weeks ago to assist her brother, Second in Command of the Kingdom Guard, in recruiting new soldiers. Her father was the Captain. Her brother, Ash, was known as The Lion throughout the world. Not to her. She called him a royal pain in the ass.
Her heels clicked on the floor as she glided to the end of the hall towards a set of heavy oak doors. This meeting would go as planned. Or she would lose her temper. Everyone knew what happened when she lost her temper. Her guards opened the doors and she swept through.
Everyone in the room stood as she walked in. A heavyset man staggered and almost fell against the table in the middle of the room as he beheld her. The dark stone walls shone with light from torches. A fire crackled behind the throne at the head of the table. A wreath of iron spikes decorated the top and she traced them as she sat. The room was dead silent as she stared at the men.
"Begin," she said. The people sat. Nervous eyes darted towards her and she grinned.
It pleased her to see her people terrified of her. Their fear helped them stay loyal to her. She didn't know what they were afraid of, though. Her magic wasn't that powerful, and she took great care in her looks.
Today she wore her dark hair in a long ponytail, the end brushing her hips. Her ruby eyes were lined with kohl that made them pop. Jewels decorated her knuckles. The thing that would make them most scared, she guessed, was her dress. The bodice was made of iron that cinched her waist so tight she almost couldn't breathe. Small spikes erupted from the shoulders. Swaths of dark fabric draped over her legs and brushed against her toes.
She leaned back against the cold stone. The men at the table quietly discussed small matters. Every once in a while one would glance up at her. They never asked her anything unless it was important.
A rattle and a person was at her side. "Wine, Majesty?" a servant asked. The man poured out a cup and handed it to her. She had just taken a sip of the delicately made wine when she noticed the table had gone silent.
"What?" she snapped.
The heavyset man cleared his throat. "Permission to speak to you, my lady?"
"Granted, Sir Eckert." A headache throbbed at her temples. Why were meeting days so boring? She longed for her lover to return from his mission. He would make it so much fun. She snapped back to reality as Sir Eckert continued to speak.
"We have reports of a girl," he said. She huffed a laugh and he flinched.
"A girl? Why is this an important topic?"
"Well, she's a human. And close to the wall." He dabbed his brow.
"Out with it, Eckert," Bella snapped. "Why is this so important?"
"She's trying to take your kingdom," he muttered and looked down. Fire raced through her veins. The table shook as she slammed her hands down. The fat man cowered in his chair as she stalked over to him.
"Say that again," she hissed in his ear.
"There's a girl trying to take your kingdom," he said. His face had gone as white as the underside of a dead fish.
"And what are you doing about it?"
"N—nothing, ma'am."
A shriek erupted from her and a tendril of fire wrapped around him. Eckert disappeared. A plume of smoke drifted upward. The man next to him emptied his stomach and the smell joined the smoke. She pinched her nose as she walked back to her throne.
"So." She sat back down and reached for another goblet of wine. She downed it and leaned back. "What are you all, my favorite council, going to do about it?"
"We will go after her," a young man said. She studied him. He's pale with a shock of dark hair. Rather handsome for a person in Vearus. "We will find her and bring her back. You can have her after that."
"Very good," Bella said. "What reports do you have of her?"
The man shuffled through his papers before saying, "Her name is Shayde. Age 18. She's from the Southern Sea." He squinted at his paper. "Apparently she was the ruler there."
Of course. The fallen Queen is trying to take her kingdom back. "I trust you will take care of it. What other things do we need to discuss?"
"We have news that Renada is manufacturing a new weapon. There are no details about it yet, but we are looking into it."
"What have you heard about it, then?" Bella said. Her headache was getting worse. This meeting was too much.
The man gulped and dabbed at his brow. "Supposedly, it can wipe out half a thousand people. Maybe more."
A lick of fire grazed the man's throat. She squeezed her fist and it tightened. "Find out what it is," she snarled. He nodded and she let him go.
Thankfully, she got through the rest of the meeting without killing anyone. At one point, she was sure her eyes were burning, but nobody said anything. They never did.
She tossed a knife between her hands as she walked back to her chambers. One of her guards stopped her at her door and gave her a package.
"Your new garments, Majesty," she said. Bella opened it and out tumbled a gorgeous set of fighting clothes. She took it inside and tugged it on. The shorts fit her like a second skin and the top was soft and flexible. A small vial of green liquid caught her eye. She downed it and her headache immediately began to lessen.
Her guard handed her a roll of cloth that she wound around her knuckles as she headed to the arena. Her trainer was waiting for her. He didn't speak as she began to fight.
Bella pounded her fists into the pads. Her anger always lessened when she was fighting. Her parents disapproved, of course, but they could never understand the relaxation she felt. She was in control.
They wrapped up with a few minutes of sword fighting. It was her least favorite way of killing someone, but necessary if she wanted to hold her kingdom. Knives were much easier to conceal and she could always feel the life leave her opponent when she used them. It was her expertise, even if she had magic.
Sweat covered her as she returned to her door. She chugged a jug of water to cool off. Just as she was about to enter her room, a guard stopped her.
"Ma'am, Hunter has returned," she said. Bella's heart skipped a beat. Her mouth twitched upward in a small smile. Her guard wisely didn't say anything else.
"Tell him to wait a minute," she said, failing to smother the grin spreading across her face. The guard bowed and retreated. She slipped off her heels and ran into her room.
The maid that was cleaning rushed from the room as soon as Bella appeared. A single candle was lit, casting light around the dim room. She rushed straight to her vanity and began getting ready.
Her maid came back into the room and helped Bella with her hair. She chose a black dress with white crystals on one side. One sleeve covered her entire arm and connected to a collar of white frost. Her other arm was bare. A slit on one side ran up to her hip. She slipped into velvet heeled boots that reached mid-thigh.
She thanked the maid and smoothed out her dress before walking to the hall. Her stomach fluttered in anticipation. She hadn't seen Hunter in half a year, maybe more. Her hands itched at her sides. What would she say? She pushed her feelings down. She would know when she saw him.
Her footsteps echoed in the silent hall. It was very rare for someone to visit. Her kingdom was... nerve-wracking at best, horrific at worst. She passed a window and stopped to collect her thoughts. Her kingdom glowed underneath the red sun and she smiled. Tomorrow she would have to go down and shop. In the meantime, she had someone to see.
The obsidian doors groaned as they opened. The guards strained to keep them open long enough for Bella to pass through.
The ceiling was at least twenty feet tall, painted with fire from the Pits of Hell. Small candles floated in the air. Golden statues of the previous rulers were placed in between the pillars that held up the ceiling. Sunlight from the dying sun filtered in through the windows that stretched from the floor to the ceiling.
Her dress rustled as she swept towards the figure at the end. She felt her mouth peel back into a smile. Her legs wobbled but she kept upright until she reached him. He caught her as she hugged him.
"There's my favorite weapon," he drawled. His hands skimmed along her back.
"My favorite prince of hell," Bella murmured back. She traced his chest and he caught her hand. His orange eyes flickered as he kissed her fingertips.
"Miss me?"
"Very much," she said. "I missed everything about you. Your laugh." She kissed his cheek. "Your smile." She kissed the other. "Your humor." She stood on her toes and kissed his forehead. His hands slipped down to cup her backside. She softly kissed his neck and said, "Your body."
With a growl, he lifted her up and pushed her against the wall. She ran her hands through his blond hair. He kissed her, hard and demanding, and she moaned.
"I missed you, too," he said against her skin. She wiggled, not wanting him to stop. His hand roamed over her back, undoing the lacings. "I'm sorry I couldn't come back earlier."
"Stop talking." Bella surged forward and reclaimed his mouth. She fumbled at his pants and he chuckled.
"Do you really want to do it here?"
"I want you."
Before she could do anything, he snapped his fingers and they were transported into her bedroom. He pinned her on the bed and began to kiss her. She struggled to get her shoes off before resorting to using her magic. They burned away and he helped get her dress off before looking down at her.
"I missed this," he said. Bella panted as he looked at her. Her lips curved into a smile as she studied him. His eyes were alight and she was sure hers were too. She stood and let him see her. She tugged his shirt off and kissed him.
"What are you waiting for?" she asked.
The fire in his eyes went out. "Something's happened."
"Can't it wait?"
He gazed at her. She didn't look away as he said, "Yes."
She grabbed his hand and led him to the bed. His hands roved over her and she arched into his touch. She kept a tight leash on herself, lest she made half the castle come running. But as he finally moved inside her, she let go and succumbed to the dance.

Bella gazed at Hunter while he slept. A sheen of sweat covered his brow. She kissed his cheek and made to get up. A hand clamped down on her wrist. He looked at her through heavily lidded eyes.
He yawned and said, "Where are you going so early?"
"The sun is barely up," she teased. "I have to take care of something." She brushed his hair out of his face. "I'll be back."
"I'll come, too." He slid out of bed and her mouth went dry. He noticed and smirked. "Unless you would rather—"
"If you even say it, I will have to abandon my duties. I can't do that again," she said. "I promise you. Later." She winked at him. "Choose a dress for me?"
He strode to her closet and pulled out a short black dress with sheer sleeves. "This one?"
"Thanks." She pulled it on and brushed through her hair. Hunter offered her his arm and they strolled through the palace. A servant hurried by with a tray full of wine. Bella stopped her and ordered her to pour some for them.
By the time they reached the meeting room, they had drunk their way through three goblets each. Bella was laughing as they entered but faltered when she saw who sat at the table.
"Brother," she said. The man stood and bowed. His orange eyes glowed.
"Sister." He crossed to her and hugged her. He was at least two heads taller than her and a great deal stronger. As he hugged her, all she could think about was how easily he could kill her. Like a stick. His dark skin smelled like salt and sand, as if he'd been in the desert. "It's been too long."
"For you." She shoved him away and strode to the table.
Hunter clasped her brother's hand. "Hello, Ash."
"Hello, Hunter," her brother replied. "Bella's not causing too much trouble, is she?"
"I look after her. How have you been?"
"What do you want?" Bella snapped before Ash could answer.
"Your kingdom is failing. You rule with fear, Bella. Not loyalty. Mother and Father want to be here, but they're busy."
Bella snorted. Busy pretending she doesn't exist.
"They want you to marry."
Bella stared at her brother. His face showed no sign of humor. He was completely serious. She looked at Hunter, but he seemed just as surprised as her. She opened her mouth to say something when a guard knocked and entered.
"My lady," he began, then saw Ash and Hunter. He dipped into a bow. "Sirs."
"What is it?" Bella asked.
"They've captured her, my lady. Shayde."
"Who?" Hunter asked. Ash seemed inclined to ask the same thing.
Bella threw them a withering glare before saying, "I'll see her straight away." Her guard bowed once more before exiting.
"Who is Shayde?" Hunter asked immediately.
"Soon to be nobody." Bella strode out of the room before either of them could question her further.
The dungeons stank of piss and fear. The screams of the guilty floated through the air. She passed by a sniveling man who was covered in rats. They scattered as he looked up. The prisoner recognized her and began screaming.
"Majesty! Majesty!" Soon the others began to shout. Bella fixed her gaze upon the last cell and ignored them. Her guard unlocked the door and it swung open. Bella blinked at who was inside.
"She's just a girl," she blurted. The girl blinked at her. Bella's lip curled in disgust. She was so perfect. Too perfect. A button nose, full red lips. White hair tumbled down to her shoulders. Blue eyes peered at her from the shadows. A freshly healed scar marred her face, cutting from her forehead to just below her left eye. It's a miracle she still had it.
"I'm here to negotiate." Bella's stomach writhed. Even her voice was angelic. The girl stood and Bella chuckled. She was at least three heads shorter than her. Yet she stood with unnatural confidence. "I am Queen of the Southern Seas."
"You were. The Southern Seas fell."
"I need your help to get it back."
"What's in it for me?"
"I can help your kingdom. You don't have to live in darkness anymore." She produced a crown from behind her. It's split clean in half, a sign she was forced from her throne. Water snaked around it, holding it together as she waited for Bella to answer.
"I like the darkness," Bella said. "My people thrive in it."
"People?" Shayde's brow creased. "I heard—"
"I know what you heard," Bella interrupted. "We do have monsters. But they are my people nonetheless."
"I come in the name of peace," Shayde tried again.
"Nobody with a crown ever comes in the name of peace. What do you want?"
"Just to help you and to get my kingdom back." The water disappeared and Shayde dropped the crown with a clatter. "Is it a deal?"
"No. You were stupid enough to let it fall. You don't deserve a kingdom, any kingdom, if you do not defend it. I will let you go because you are an ignorant child, but that's it." She unlocked her chains and nodded to her guard.
As Shayde was dragged out, she twisted around and hissed, "You will regret this. I will burn your damn kingdom to the ground if you do not help get mine back. The world is covered with the remains of kingdoms that thought they were endless. Yours is no different."

Here Lies the Queenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن