"Are you crazy? Its already 10 and you want to stop the car now? " Roger freaked out.

"Don't you realise, today is the first day after summer and the school welcomes new entrants and I have heard the girls in this batch are.." Roger closed his eyes and beamed with joy.

An immediate silence was caught on Damein's face. He started the car and moved in speed. The silence spread with in the car as well and made things awkward.

"Any issues Damy? I see your face flustered. I don't realise your problem with girls. They die for you and you run away from them. " Roger questioned him.

"You won't understand it mate. I don't want you to miss the treat for your eyes. " Damein zoomed into the college.

"You move in, I shall join you in a while. " Damein stepped out of the car and started moving with his brown one sided bag. It seemed to have hardly any books in it.

Roger got down the car, looked perplexed with the reaction and moved ahead nodding his head.

Damein's POV :

This is not my first year in school. But I have never felt this way before. I feel a split with in. The questions that I have been dealing with all these years have just multiplied. The urge and rage has been going out of control. I am not able to tame it anymore.

With all strange thoughts running, I reached the amphe theatre. I found a place for myself on one of the stairs. The place was exactly opposite to what was happening with in me. There was a lot of mess within.

A picture was being formed in my head, but the picture was blur and I could not make out anything. There were a lot of missing pieces. I did not know where and how could I find those missing pieces. I did not even know the picture being formed within.

Uncertainty was taking its toll. It was one thing I hated the most in life. I know I had to go on journey to discover something. But I did not know what had to be discovered neither did I know which path to choose.

Mrs . Molly Barnes, my mother, always saw the battle I fought in my eyes. She always remained unavailable whenever I wanted to ask or express anything regarding the various dreams I had seen till date or the unanswered questions. She was too sweet yet her eyes had a fear in them ever since I had started to observe. She had always dodged the situations whenever I approached her to talk.

As I sat there spending sometime alone that I fancied the most in school, I heard a lot of hustle. I ignored it as it was a part of this mad world. I never felt a part of the pompous nature of this world. The bling and zing of the city never matched my taste. 19 years in this city felt more than a century for me.

For a change, I could hear drifts of cars and some rogues of the school ganging up against some newbies. From far the sight did not seem good. I got up to move towards. I could see a two girls were cornered by the rogues.

As I moved closer, for the first time a vision opened within me that took me to a different place. A place never seen, a place never visited. I could smell the ashes. I could sense the brutality. I felt the adrenalin rush with in. I felt the high and my body was heated. This vision prevailed only for few seconds. I snapped back from it to almost lose my control.

What was it? This was something new and weird.

As I lifted my head up, I saw a girl completely ganged up by three of my batch. I had come out of the vision but the rage had not seized yet. For my amaze, I zoomed in within fraction of seconds to reach her. As I held her tight by her waist, she fixed her gaze into mine. She looked at me intently as I bored my eyes into hers. We were disturbed by Mathew when he tried to pull me behind. The crowd were bewildered by my swift movement and everyone stood aloof watching the scene. He couldn't move me even by an inch. I landed a punch from my free next hand and he fell thud on the ground. People moved away from the place and Mathew crawled for some distance and ran out of sight.

After the scene got cleared, I turned towards her. She was a fresher. Her face definitely looked new. It had turned pale following the scene. Her amethyst eyes were caught with fear, and slender hands trembling with the happenings. She looked vulnerable and for strange reasons I felt my body go cold. I took my hand off her waist and moved away with out turning to her, without wanting to know her name either.

As I moved ahead, I met Roger on the way. His mouth was still wide open at me and my actions a few moments ago.

We walked fathom long, he tapped my back, I turned to him raising my eye brows.

"You know what just happened there? You know how fast you moved? Where were you? How did you reach there that soon and to top it all, what made you react?"

"Whoa! Stop it. You are shooting like a cannibal with questions. Come I don't want to get screwed by Professor Aurthor. " I hypocritically laughed and pulled him ahead. In reality, all those questions were popping up in my head either.

The classes got over, I never felt the need to study for strange reasons. I attended school to match with the society and not as a necessity. I was waiting for it to get over. As I moved out, I saw the girl whom I had saved few hours back, waiting with her friend. She had an aura that amused me. I did not want to have any interactions. I headed as though I had not seen her. From the corner of my eyes I could see her trying to call me. I did not barge in to it. I moved away.

After dropping Roger back home, I reached home and fell on my bed. I looked around the room. My room to others felt boring and no-life. The walls were dull grey, no posters unlike any other kid. Arsenal or Barcelona had not made to my walls. The room was never shabby. I had a habit of keeping it clean and organised.

As I was staring at the wall, I saw world around swirl in front of me. I laid there on the bed without any movement. The wall had taken shape of a forbidden forest. Half fallen trees, black woods and barren land. There was no greenery in sight anywhere. The place seemed deserted. No inhabitants. A rummaged mansion with burnt walls and broken woods all over. A distant voice shouting something which seemed familiar but unclear.

A door knock made me come back to the present and I saw myself sweat more than normal. It was completely strange. The feel. The eeriness, the creepy atmosphere was not friendly. I felt the vision had something to tell. I did not realise what. This was not the first time I saw a vision similar to this. The same mansion, those woods never seemed new. Insecurities and questions were alot. It was battle of thoughts. Thoughts that had no head or a tail. It seemed to be a whirlpool and I felt caught in it. I realised the knock on the door and moved to attend it.


Note : happy reading. Vote and comment if you liked ;)

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