Chapter 1

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After a bad night Melody was tired. In her dream it was so real for her that she even woke up crying from that lady, it was like a lost memory. Melody was trying to remember every detail from her dream to see if it could be a memory, but of course not it was impossible to be real. Even though she tries to deny her dream by letting it pass like a nightmare, deep down in her heart this feeling that she is feeling could probably be true. 

What IF what she dream have really happened, and that her mother never told her. But come one what person would wake up from a dream and believe that everything that you dream o could be true.   In the meantime, while trying to forget her bad dream, Mel was getting ready for school when she heard her mother screaming her name. "Melody come down for breakfast!"

" Coming, Mom!" Melody respond.

Finishing getting ready, Melody took her backpack and went down to the kitchen to have breakfast with her family.

"Good morning mom," said Melody approaching her mother and kissing her cheek.

"Good morning sweaty, did you sleep well?"

Even though she did not sleep as well that Mel wants to. With a big smile she said." of course mom I sleep like a baby. It was so refreshing."

"That's great sweety, and how do you feel for your last year of high school," said the mother of Mel while she served her breakfast.

" Yes mom, I'm so excited for this year because when I graduated I can go to the university," said Mel while taking a bite from her breakfast, " mmm, good breakfast mom you are the best in the kitchen."

" Thank you, sweety, you know that all my cooking, I do it with all my love for my family, and I know that you want to go to uni, and work at the same time but just remember... everything in due time, okay, take your time, have some fun with your friend. Having a career is important but also having time for yourself." Her mother said.

" By the way, where is your brother I have been calling him to come down and he has not responded."

"Um, about that... I forgat to tell you last night, but James told me that he would meet one of his friends early, and before you ask, no he did not tell me where he was going and what he was going to do"

" Hay Dios Santo, este niño me va a sacar canas verdes" said her mother in Spanish. (Oh dear God, this boy is going to take green hair out of me)

" Ama, don't worry he knows what he is doing you don't need to overreact"

"Mel, I'm not overreacting,  I'm your mother so it is my duty to take care of both of you until I die, that's a mother's job to always worry." said her mother.

"Well mom,  you know I love to be here and talk with you all day long, but I have to go to school, soo....bye," Mel said.

"Okay sweaty, take care and be safe." said her mother while kissing her daughter on the cheek.


While Mel was walking in the street she heard someone yelling her name "MELODY!"

Melody turns around and saw a 19 yeard boy with short hair with a black t-shirt with a levis jacket with a weird symbol with the name of 'Capsule Corp." and with a sword on his back. Melody really did not know that guy and he was just making a sigh that she should wait for him, but she did not know him or even be someone that she can recognize so she decides to walk faster, in case the guy just lost interest in talking to her. 

But no, the guy still tries to approach her and said her name, so melody thought probably this guy was a stalker. Melody saw behind her shoulder that the guy would not stop so the last option was to run for her life to a safe place. Because you never know when someone tries to do something to you even though they may know your name.

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