|Chapter 22 ~ A Last Parting Gift|

Start from the beginning

Angelus was yet again seated on the ominous dark mattered throne, sending pure power surging through the floor and walls as if his presence was the sole embodiment of all energy on Nova Terra. I immediately recognized the grave expression that clouded his maroon eyes, the gaze causing dread to bubble up from inside me. I stopped in front of him.

"Artemisia, it is time you return and prepare for what awaits us south." His voice echoed across the hall, sending shivers down my spine at the power laced into his voice. His tone made me even more nervous when what I was about to say could very much jeopardize everything.

"I want to ask something of you before I leave." I said, immediately regretting the words when I noticed the slight change in Angelus's posture. The Lesphares had shifted slightly, eyes hard on my face.

"And what might that be?" He asked, inspecting me.

I took a deep breath. This wasn't going to earn a good reaction from the Lesphares.

"I ask that you give the Aliums freedom to move into a settlement above ground." I stuttered, heart pounding so hard I thought it might very well burst. The thought had first come to me some time after the summit ended. A small whisper of an idea that began to take shape in my head, irritatingly persistent until I decided to follow through with it.

In order to give the Aliums a better life - better than the one they already had - was something I could do. Had  to. Even if it killed me. It was what Albert would have wanted, to help those who could do nothing but merely play along. Simply prolonging their horrible fate until it eventually came crashing down on them.

For a few minutes, the hall was silent. My hands were shaking as I awaited Angelus' judgement.

Then came the answer I never thought I would ever hear.


I gaped at Angelus. "W-What?!" I stuttered. I never would've guessed he would be so open-minded about my proposition. I expected - at the very least - punishment for the audacity to even ask such a thing of him.

Severely shocked I could only stare, Angelus gazing right back with a monotonous expression. His voice was relaxed as he spoke, making my surprise only grow.

"I thought you would ask this of me eventually, Artemisia. I only waited for when you would finally decide to do so." He said and stood up when he received no immediate reaction from me.

"Well then, I believe you must depart soon. Gandila is in her chambers on the other side of the palace. One of my guards will show you the way." His blood red cloak pooled in a red heap on the floor. Once again our conversation over before it had even started. 

I nodded weakly and almost hit the Lesphares that was suddenly right behind me. My escort, I quickly realized with a start. I openly gaped at the male.

The Lesphares was beautiful in a stunningly cold way, sky blue eyes sheerly captivating. The kind of blue that reminded me of pure winter sky. The male was clothed in a white tunic, ornamented with various pelts of unknown creatures. His wings were the colour of ice. Feathers more like those of shards than anything else, shimmering in the starlight raining down from the ceiling. His voice was bell-like, elegant but also fierce.

"I am Ferîan Lucîas, follow me. Gandîla Amîdala is expecting your company."

Ferîan was silent as we made our way through the palace and past the beautiful unglazed windows that overlooked the eastern side of Lîxîlîa's great metropolis. The sky above the quiet capital gradually darkened and a soft orange glow coloured the horizon as the sun made its decent past the mountains in the distance. Small stars started to dot the skies far above the grand structures sprawled out beneath and I suddenly spotted the faint silhouettes of winged creatures in the far distance, mere outlines on the last glorious colours of day. 

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