Chapter 2: Bugs...

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As you walked into the operating room, you took in the details of the three victims laying before you and Vaux.

They all looked awful, they looked like an insects.

"By the looks of it, it's done by the same sorcerer." Vaux stated.

"Ehh? That's some crappy magic then, it's totally not the sorcerer that cursed me huh?" You turned to Nikaido.

"What a letdown." You sighed as you placed your hands on your hips.

Vaux ignores your chatter and studies the arm of one of the male victims.

"If the point was to turn the victim into a bug it was kind of pointless since the blood had solidifed before-" as he was stating his diagnosis the body began to shake violently.

"The body is convulsing! (Y/n) give me a hand!" Vaux shouts to you as he looks up and sees your back turned to him as your conversing with Nikaido.

"Soo that pig you just got... what're you planning to make with it?" You asked leaning a little towards her as you jokingly pried.

She smiles as she responds "pork roast." As she smiles at you.

"OOoohhooo! You know how to get me revved up on food!" You exclaimed as you clenched your fists in excitement. As you weren't paying attention your boss was losing his patience with you and had enough as he threw a bowl for medical purposes at you.

It was aimed for your head but Nikaido saw it coming and caught it before it could hit you. She turned to glare at the bald man. This caused Vaux to flinch slightly but resumed on the task at hand.

"Get back to work (Y/N)!" he ordered as he continued to try and restrain the victim as it convulsed on the table.
"Uh! Right away Vaux! I mean boss!" You panicked and resumed work. Nikaido left as soon as you focused on work. She managed to get outside before being stopped by your voice.

You shouted to her from the balcony.
"NIKAIDO! I'm coming to your restaurant once I'm finished with the rest of work! Make sure you save some gyoza for me ok?!" You grinned down at her.

She smiles back as she waves with the response. "You got it!" She shouts back and rides off to her restaurant on her skateboard. As you were waving back Vaux comes up behind you and grabs your scaled ear. He drags you back inside as he scolds at you to get back inside. "Ah! OW! OK OK!" you shout as sooth your ear.

•Nikaido's P.O.V•

As I rode back to my place, I noticed a man with a mask leaning against the door frame. It was obviously a wizard but I can handle myself without (Y/n).

"Uhh are you ok?" I asked the guy.
I can hear his stomach growling loudly as he looked up at me and asked for me to give him something to eat.

I immediately brought him and gave him a bowl of gyoza. As soon as he gobbled up the entire bowl he asks for seconds. Grimacing I do so hoping he'd leave soon before (Y/n) got here so we can be alone again as usual.

"Hey your restaurant has a cool name!" The teen compliments as he continues eating with enthusiasm.

"Thanks for saying so, you eat a lot don't you? Just like (Y/n)" I say hoping to make some small talk to fill in the silence, I started thinking about (Y/n) as I filled the grill with more gyoza to fry. I decided to also try and provoke the teen to see what I'm up against when (Y/n) comes over.

"Hey just heads up the areas becoming a little more dangerous, where do you live? I can help you get home.... there's a sorcerer skulking around lately turing people into bugs!" I say chuckling.

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