I am not mad

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Noah Beck. Damn he was fine. But I can't think of him like that. I'm with Bryce*
Noah:Hey, you're Bryce's girlfriend right?
Vi:Yes, I'm
Noah:Cool, I'm Noah
Vi:I'm Virginia but you can call me Vi
Noah:Nice, I got to go now tho, hope we can get to talk more another time
Vi:Me too
Noah:Ok, see you
Vi: See ya
And with that he left.

A couple hours later...

*I'm now on my way to Josh and Jaden's new apartment for the first time, Anthony is driving me there since he said we have some important business to talk about with Josh and Jaden.We park and walk over to their apartment. We are greeted by shirtless Jaden and damn. He is hotter than I remembered*
Anthony:Sup dude
Jaden:Nothing much
*I say awkwardly*
Anthony:Where is Josh?
Jaden:So.... he is with Nessa right now, you can't tell anyone buri think he is breaking up with her
*He says while we all walk inside and sit on the couch*
Anthony:Why? I thought they were doing so good
Jaden:I don't even know man, to be honest Josh is been kinda messed up since we left sway
Vi:I get him, it just happened so fast
Vi:So Anthony what did you bring me for?
Anthony:Actually Jaden asked me to so I'm heading over to Avani's to give you guys some privacy
*The thought of being left alone with Jaden scared me, not because he was aggressive or anything like that but because after what happened between us I know that he would only do that if it was extremely necessary. And with that Anthony walked out the door*
Jaden:Anthony is moving out of sway
*He blurted out*
Vi:What? And why in the hell do you have to call me here to tell me? Anthony could've simply done it.
Jaden:That's not why I called you here tho
Vi:Than why is it?
Jaden:I don't know how to tell you this, but do you remember Addison. The girl Bryce was going out with before he met you
Jaden:I have many reasons to believe that he cheated on you with her
*At this point I was shocked, completely paralyzed, but not sad. I guess you'd hope that I would be sad hearing that my boyfriend possibly and likely cheated on me. But I wasn't. For some odd reason it was like getting a weight off my chest*
Jaden:Are you okay?
Vi:I'm. I feel good
Jaden:Do you need a hug....?
*I just hugged him, tight and stayed like that for some good 5 minutes till I finally pulled away*
Vi:I should go talk to him
Jaden:Do you need me to go with you?
Vi:No need to
Jaden:Okay, I'll at least drive you than
Vi:Oh, thanks
*And we just went into his car, the whole ride was quiet. When we got to the house we entered and found Bryce sitting on the couch with Blake*
Bryce:Oh, hey babe
Vi:We have to talk.
*I said it in a serious tone. I just walk to his room and he followed me*
Bryce:Is something wrong?
Vi:I know you are cheating on me
Bryce:Babe I'm so sorry it is not gonna happen again i promise! We'll work it out
Vi:Bryce don't call me that anymore
Bryce:Are you breaking up with me? Are you mad?
Vi:Yes I'm breaking up with you and no I'm no mad
*I lied. That's all thought of. I couldn't seem weak*
Vi:I've also been seeing someone else
Bryce:What? Who?
Vi:I can't tell you who but I have a proposal for you
Bryce:and what would that be?
Vi:We've never made it official in social media right? So we can just act normal.We stay as friends and no feelings hurt. It will stop drama that could possibly happen. How does that sound?
Bryce:I don't know. If I think about I does sound like a good idea
Vi:So it's settled?
*I just hugged him, a short hug and left. I walked into my room and pulled out suitcase,I started to pack some outfits and my most important items. I walked down the stairs to see only Jaden sitting there probably waiting for me to tell him how it went*
Vi:Jaden let's go
Jaden:Where the hell are you going?
Vi:WE are leaving, now get up and help me put suitcase in your car.
*And he did. No questions asked. And with that he drove to his home. I can't stay at sway anymore. Specially now without Anthony. I had Kio who barely left his room, Quinton and Blake who barely knew me, Griffin who spent most of his time out of the house and Bryce my ex boyfriend. Even tho we were still friends he still is my ex. He cheated on me. But I lied. And why did I tell him that you may be asking, well.....

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