Ridin' on a cop car

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*It was about 1 am and the girls had already gotten here. We had pizza, cotton candy, popcorn and watched a full on season of "Never Have I Ever" on Netflix. I tried to relax and have fun but I just kept overthinking about why I felt jealous. Did I catch feelings for Jaden? What about Bryce? What about him and Mads? Shit. I hate my life. We were seating in the leaving room with the projector on "PS: I Still Love You" since we had finished the show. Honestly most of us, if not all of us, had watched it already. I guess we just wanted to get on our phones and chill. On the couch were Mads and Nessa cuddling(I'm pretty sure they are both asleep) and Avani on the other side just scrolling through Twitter. On the side chair was Dixie who was probably just scrolling through TikTok and texting Griff. Lastly on a air mattress on the floor were Claire and I, she was already asleep so I just scrolled through Instagram till I noticed, everyone was sleeping. I tried but couldn't bring myself to rest. There was something just worrying me. So I decided to open TikTok for the first time in a couple of hours. My for you page was filled with people arguing about Alt TikTok versus straight TikTok. Everyone who follows me is pretty sure I'm the queen of straight TikTok, when in fact I do it for the girls and the gays that's it. Proud member of Alt TikTok. Than suddenly a video shows up;

This is one of the many clips in the video. Holy fuck. I knew something felt wrong. They were arrested. Wtf should I do now? I decided to wake up Nessa and Mads only, since if one of them woke up, the other would too*
Vi:Nessa, Mads, wake up
Nessa:What is going on Vi
Mads:Yeah it's the middle of the night
Vi:it's important
Nessa:What is it?
Vi:Bryce and Jaden were just arrested in Texas.
Mads:What? Nessa check your phone for any text messages!
Nessa:Okay... Josh texted me, he said Jaden had some weird drugs and that they were all on weed. Only the 2 of them were arrested tho
Vi:Holy shit!
Mads:Should we do something
Nessa:let me ask him....... Oh, he said that they are trying to get money for the bail and that they will be here by noon hopefully
Vi:Thank god
Mads:Yeah! I couldn't imagine having them stay in jail

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