Never have i ever

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*I go back to my room to pack for the day. They all go to Tayler's beach house while me and Jaden go to Raisin Kane's to get some food for everyone. When in the drive through line I feel his hand on my thigh. Omg what is he doing. I don't say anything. After getting the food we go to Tayler's*
Tayler:Hey nice to meet you
Vi:Nice to meet you
*He checks me out. We all hang out and eat till about 5pm. We head to the beach and go swimming. Avani takes some photos of me while Claire hypes me up. And I hear*
Jaden: She hot
Kio:She really is
I turn around: Who is?
*They look at each other*
Jaden:A girl that dm Kio on Instagram.
*After a long photoshoot Bryce pulls out a bottle of vodka and a couple of other drinks and some others substances if you know what I mean*
Kio:What is that for
Josh:Ever played never have I ever?
*We all get into a circle. I seat between Avani( who is seating on Anthony's lap) and Kio*
Griffin: I'll start. Never have I ever done it with my ex after we broke up
Bryce: you tryna expose me here
*He takes a shot and so do Jaden, Griffin and Dixie*
Tayler:Never have I ever had a crush on someone that is here right now.
*Josh, Nessa, Dixie, Griffin, Anthony and  Avani take the shot. It is understandable. Then Jaden and Bryce look at each other and then drink. OMG THEY DRINK.*
Griffin: we need some explanations
Jaden: there is nothing to explain
Kio:okay, never have I ever been attracted(if you know what I mean)to Vi
*Omg no. This is gonna fuck so much shit up.
I see Tayler, Kio, and Bryce do it. Lastly Jaden looks at his cup and does too.*
Anthony:What the heck? How?
Bryce: I know you are taken but don't tell me she ain't pretty.
*It goes silent.*
Bryce: Never have I ever done it in a homie's bed
*Bryce, Tayler and Claire drink. We are all way to high/drunk so that just makes things worst.*
Bryce:Was it Vi's bed *he asks Claire laughing*
Vi:you didn't bring anyone to my house did you
Claire: of course not.
*I run as far as I can. While Avani wraps Claire with her arms now that she is crying*


*Everyone looks at each other so confused*
Kio:We have to find her.
Bryce:Lets divide so we can find her faster, bring your phones with you.
*The beach is long and dark. There is almost no one other then us. I run and see no one. And then I see a woman in the water. I enter the ocean and scram "VIRGINIA" she looks at me with her beautiful green eyes. I grab her and say.*
Jaden:I almost had a heart attack
Vi:I just needed space
Jaden:Do you want to tell me about what happened
Vi:Sure. It all started the day after I lost my v card to my boyfriend at the time.
Jaden: I thought you never dated
Vi: I did this one time. This story is the reason why I never talk about it. So the day. It was a Saturday and my boyfriend was at his "grandma's house". Claire and I went to the mall and when shopping we saw him kissing another girl. I had never seen her so angry. Her face went red and she started to scream till a point that the mall security guards had to take her. They wanted to call her parents but she would be in so much trouble. So I asked my brother to pretend he was her father. They called him and he picked her up. I stayed at the mall because my Apple Watch was being fixed and I had to wait. When I got home I saw he sleeping in my bed. I never suspected a thing. The next morning I found his underwear in my room.But she sweared she never slept with him.
*She finishes the story as tears run down her cheeks.I hug her and she hugs me tighter. We get out and go meet everyone. They all go back to Tayler's but I decide to come back home with her*

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