"Look here, Sidney." Tulip's hand fell from the necklace and dropped in her lap. "You can't come to work with me. I know it was fun last week but it's not just feasible. Take your daughter to work day ain't a thing anymore. There are child labor laws and all kinds of things. Your mom didn't take you to work with her.

"Ne parle pas de ma Maman." Sidney muttered, looking down at the book in her hands."

"I thought we had an agreement." Tulip reminded. It really was one step forward and two steps back. That shit was actually true. "Using English until I'm semi-fluent. If I can't understand you. How can I fix it?"

I'm trying to fix it. Please, let me fix it.

Tulip frustratedly stretched her fingers as far as her tendons would allow then turned her body back forward in the seat. Silence fell on both woman and child as the time ticked and the spare time Tulip had to accomplish step two on her to-do list for the day started to dwindle.

"I'm trying here, Sidney," Tulip said softly. "I'm not your mom." Sidney's eyes slid towards her.  "I'm not perfect. I'm trying to do the best for you. I always have."

She turned to the girl and was content to see her already facing her. "You like golfing. I want you to do something you like.

Sidney dropped her gaze back to her book and whispered. "J'étais."

"What?" Tulip leaned towards as if it was the girl's volume that prevented her from comprehending. "Sidney, please."

"I..." Her chest moved fast and she lifted her face to display why. Tears flooding her eyes. "I..."

"What's wrong?" Tulip wanted to scoop her out of the chair and hold her tight. Hug away the tears. She gently stroked her cheek with the back of her hand instead. "What's the matter, sweetie?"

Sidney removed her teeth from her bottom lip and muttered. "I'm scared."

"Scared about what? The kids inside?" She glanced at the building as if a bully was standing by the door. "You have your phone if anyone starts any shit and if they don't know how to back off, call me. I'll fight a kid and they mama."

A faint quirk ticked up Sidney's mouth. "You'll come back."

"Of course," Tulip assured, wiping the tear away that slid from her eyes. "I'm sorry but you're stuck with me, Lil' Sidney."

"What if something happens?" Sadness hung in the little girl's eyes as she peered up at her. "What if..."

"Nope." Tulip shook her head. "Nothing's stopping me. I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere. "Plus, you're teaching me how to make lasagna, tonight. I got to get my cooking lesson."

Sidney's face glowed as she smiled more, her cheeks sliding up pushed the reminding tears from her eyes.

"I learned from our cook." She declared. "He's from Florence and I was his sous chef."

Tulip brushed the French braid she did that morning over her shoulder. "I know. You told me earlier."

"Well, can I tell you again." She bounced in the seat.

"Hmm." Tulip twisted her mouth to the side. "Only if you get out of the car and walk in the building."

Sidney sighed then shrugged. She unbuckled her seatbelt, opened the door, and got out with her little cross-body purse and book in tow.  

Tulip dropped her keys in her purse and trotted up to the fast walking child. She got that from her dad—that jackass.

She pushed him out of her head and focused on the part of her heart she had with her.

She held out her hand. "Ready?"

"Yes." Sidney glanced down at her hand then shook her head. "I'm a big girl. Big girls don't hold hands."

Tulip tsked, "Big girls do what the hell they want."

Sidney took another look at Tulip's extended hand. A smile grew on Sidney's face, which was becoming Tulip's favorite sight in the world. "Fine." She placed her hand against Tulip's. "If you want. But I'm not scared, anymore."

"Good." Tulip quipped before opening the door because she was.

Do you think the Country Club's summer camp is a good place for Sidney to be while Tulip is at work?

Why do you think Tulip's 'I'm not your mom' comment got Sidney's attention?

Why do you think Tulip is scared?

Why do you think Tulip is scared?

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