Chapter 5: Realizations

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I assumed Naruto wanted to keep becoming a ninja a secret to me because he told me to go without him since he didn't "graduate".

I cleared my throat as I stood behind the shy one in the rookie nine who was blocking the doorway while trying to look for Naruto, "Dont worry Hinata. He's not here yet."

The poor girl jumped before turning around and looking at me with her pearl like eyes, "O-Oh Y/n..."

My lips curled up as I offered her a kind smile, "Good morning."

She bashfully returned it as she averted her gaze and looked at the floor instead, "G-good morning!"

A chuckle escapes my lips before I stand at the opposite side of the door as her and make a gesture for her to go in, "We should probably go in so that we aren't blocking the doorway."

Her eyes widened slightly before looking behind us and seeing a few fellow classmates standing with impatience and annoyance written clearly on their face.

"R-right!" She stuttered before turning around and bowing, "Sorry!"

The other students dismissed her while we all walked into class.

We parted ways after chatting for a bit and congratulating on each other's success at getting a headband and becoming a ninja.

"Good morning Shika!"

The pineapple haired boy turned to me with narrowed eyes, "Again, too much energy."

I waved him off dismissively giving him a teasing smile, "Admit it, it's exciting that we're graduating and becoming Genin."

"I'm surprised you even managed to pass."

An innocent look took over my face and only a few managed to catch the mischievous glint in my eyes, "Pass what?"

Kiba blinked before answering in a as-a-matter-of-fact tone, "The test."

I tilted my head as I held back a snort after seeing Shikamaru shake his head, "What test?"

The boy with red triangle like shapes under his brown eyes started to get irritated, "The test that determines if we graduate or not."

Holding back a laugh, my face lights up in fake realization, "Oh! That test! What about it?"

"Why I outta-"

A vein pops on Kibas forehead as I laugh at the sight of Choji trying to hold him back from completely destroying me.

I slid into my seat that was next to Shikamaru and in front of the two other boys.

Shikamaru sighed and put his hand behind his head while leaning back against Choji and Kibas desk, "Troublesome woman."

"You love me," I say smiling as I poke his side making him immediately flinch and curl up.

"What the hell is your problem?"

I laugh before waving him off with a duck face, "I have no idea of what you're talking about."

He narrows his eyes before sighing once more and getting up with a lazy reply, "I'll be back."

"Hey Y/n?"

I turn my body around to face the chubby boy whose hands were filled with chips, "Yes?"

Choji took a mouthful of chips and chewed a little before asking me, "Why do you sit next to Shikamaru now? Didn't you used to sit next to Sasuke and Naruto?"

Kija perked up at the sound of Choji voicing his curiosity and joined in, "Yeah, you even kicked Sakura out of her seat the day you came just to sit next to them."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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