Chapter 2:Main characters

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"Well, I guess I should properly introduce myself. My name is Y/n, I'm 15 years old and I am from another dimension."

The hokage raised an eyebrow, "Another dimension?"

I nodded, "My friend, she's deceased now, but she sent me here using her...powers. Our goal was to save this world from destruction. Sadly, we only had enough power for one of us to be transported."

"I see...So your saying this world will eventually fall if it stays the way it is?"


Blowing his pipe, he asked me with caution, "I only need to know one more thing before I let you live here. Do you intend to harm this village in anyway?"

I shook my head, "Of course not. I'm actually quite fond of this world. It's slightly better than mine. Although I suppose that's a different conversation for another time."

He nodded in response, "Is there anything you wish to tell me before I send you off?"

"Actually, yes there is. I believe it'd be quite informative to let you know that I can see the past and the future."

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow before blowing his pipe again, "I understand. I'll have Kakashi show you around and guide you to your apartment. You start in the academy tomorrow considering you haven't had any ninja training. Although I suppose you already knew that?"

I smirk, "Now you're getting it, Gramps."

Kakashi appeared in the room once again before the two nodded at each other as I walked out the room.

Walking out the building with Kakashi beside me I try not to freak out. Not being able to hold it all in I couldn't help the smile on my face as I practically skip with my hands behind my back.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow, "You seem very happy."

I smile at him, "How could I not be happy? I've been wanting to come here since forever!"

"You're very weird."

I giggle, "You know what's weird? You not reading your porn by now. I would've thought you'd be reading it the moment we stepped out of that stuffy room."

His eyes narrow slightly, "How would you know that?"

Smiling at him I respond, "I'm psychic! I know everything about the future and the past! Although that's classified information so keep that on the down low, okay?"

"Prove it, all knowing one."

I stop dead in my tracks making him do the same. We stare into each others eyes for a bit before I step forward and touch his chest with my pointy finger, pointing at his heart.

Looking up at him with my finger still at his heart I give him a soft smile, "It wasn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself."

His eye widened as I stepped away, "I can find my way around. Thank you for all you've done so far, Kashi. I hope one day I'll earn your trust."

I walked away and started looking around with a smile on my face, "I can't believe I'm here! I can't wait to meet all the main characters! I'm gonna be friends with everyone I don't care if they're bad or evil!"

Walking around I stumble upon Ichiraku's ramen shop. My mouth waters as I smelled the scent of ramen wafting into my nose.

I spot a bright orange jacket inside the tiny booth that made my eyes widen, " can't that..."

I run up with a smile on my face and sit in the seat next to them. Turning to face them with a grin plastered on my face I hold out my hand for a handshake, "Hi I'm Y/n it's nice to meet you!"

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