1 Cup

155 15 51

TW: Cursing, Remus

"Logan!" "Remy!"

Remy perked up from his phone as he heard his name spoken by someone. Guess his coffee is ready then. He stuffs his phone in his pocket after standing up to get his order. There's two coffee on the counter but he can totally tell which one is his because of the name written on it.

But someone is confused and doesn't focus on his surroundings. He straight up takes the cup with Remy's name on it and walks away without knowing he took the wrong cup. The confidence he has is unreal to Remy, he has to applaud him but he wouldn't embarrass him in front of everyone in the cafe. (He would love to if this person is his friend because that would be hilarious to watch. Then he'll talk about it and never let them forget)

Remy decided to just take Logan's order (if that is his real name on the cup) and catch up with him so they can switch their drink back without the other knowing he just made an embarrassment out of himself for being too much of a nerd. He bet he'll think about it tonight.

Once Remy get closer to the other, he spoke up, making the other stop on his track "Hey babes, that's my order" His back turn, showing the face of this Logan

And holy fuck he's so hot.

Logan looks so confused until Remy lifts up his drink, showing his name on his cup instead of the other's name. He looks at his cup, indeed they did switch their cup since the word Remy was written on the cup.

"Ah. Apologize then" The brunette said, about to hand Remy the coffee until he remember one thing "but uh, I already took a sip of your drink-"

"Wait. And you don't even ask yourself why it tastes different?"

Logan feels like banging himself on the wall right now. This is so freaking embarrassing. He was hesitant to answer with his voice but nonetheless able to shake his head anyway.

Remy chuckled at his response "Oh my god, girl. Aren't you a cutie" He said, referring to Logan's flattered face after finding out the truth

"I, uh--" Logan doesn't expect to be called all babes, girl and a cutie at the same time by the guy in front of him. But he hates being confuse for so long "Why do you call me that" He said with the most monotone voice he ever have

Of course, them still being strangers, Remy thought Logan doesn't like the calling and his monotone voice sounds like he's pissed. The other looks at him, suddenly his facial expression changes into a worried look "Oh. Are you, uh, uncomfortable with it? If so, I'm-" "No, I was just curious since we just meet"

"It is unlikely to be called as such when two person just meet each other" Logan clarified, pushing up his glasses as it's losing balance a little

Remy smiles at Logan after he cut him off "A straightforward one huh"

Logan tilted his head "Indeed I am, it would satisfy me if you did answer my question about the calling"

"It's just my style, sweetie. I just love saying those words. Comfort me alot and it makes others happy," Remy stops for a second "except you. Aren't you a special babes" He said even if the sentences feels like he's asking the other

But Logan had to be Logan, he would shoot that sentences down (or flirting for Remy) "I am just an ordinary person as so are you, Remy"


Is it gay if Remy ask Logan to say his name again? Should he say 'no homo'? Because damn the way Logan said it pulls the love string in Remy's heart so hard. It's just perfect in his voice. He shoves that thought seconds after "Nope. I'm special as fuck. Have you seen me, Logan? Do you need a new pair of glasses? I'm like, so fabulous, girl"

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