Original Girls

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        The rest of the day passed by quickly with no problems. AnnyMay and I went to lunch together. We finished our morning breakfast outside. A lot of people left campus and hung out at their cars but these were the same people who knew this town. I hadn't seen my sister all day and was growing worried.

        "Hey, girls." Hayden walked over with two girls from her large group of friends.

        "Hayden!" I jumped up from our small picnic to hug her. She hugged me back and her friends cooed over how cute it was.

        "What going on? How's high school treating you two?" she walked with me back to AnnyMay with her friends and sat with us.

        "Girls these are my friends, Amy and Lisa." she pointed to the two pretty girls with high colored clothes and umbrella pants. They had peace sign necklaces and heart shape sunglasses and tye dye shirts. They looked in style and groovy. They were rich and showed it much like the rest of the school did.

        "Hi, Amy and Lisa. I'm Ashley and this is my friend AnnyMay." I introduced us and AnnyMay waved and smiled sweetly.

        "Hi. Welcome to Bakersfield High." Amy smiled.

        "Thank you." I nodded and AnnyMay repeated the action with out the words, of course. The girls looked at her in confusion.

        "Remember, I told you she has the problem." Hayden looked a little embarrassed.

        "Oh. We like that you are here, AnnyMay." Lisa spoke loud and slow.

        "She isn't stupid. She just doesn't talk." I felt insulted for my friend. They spoke to her like she was slow and just because someone was different this world couldn't that as anything but stupid.

        "Oh, I'm sorry." Lisa smiled. I didn't return it. AnnyMay ignored it and continued her sandwich. The girls watch her like it was odd behavior.

        "Where are your clothes, Hayden?" I looked at her strange clothes.

        "The girls just gave me something to just change into for the day." she explained.

        "But it shows you tummy." I poked her belly button.

        She slapped my hand away, "It's in style."

        I looked at her with a raise eyebrow and she returned it.

        "Did you guys eat?" I looked at all their exposed bellies.

        "We're dieting." Lisa said. She pulled out a box. "Wanna smoke?" she offered. Hayden pushed the box away from me.

        "We don't do it." she sassed.

        "It's cool but I heard it's a good way to lose weight." Lisa lit hers and Amy took one. I cough at the smell. I felt my stomach twist.

        "Can you not blow that stuff this way?" I grabbed my stomach. They got up and walked away to smoke.

        "They seem like well...." I didn't want to finish.

        "Yeah but they're super nice once you get to know them." Hayden become herself automatically.

        "I don't like the smoke." I said and AnnyMay agreed by waving her hand passed her nose back and forth.

        "Well how are things going? Met any guys?" she nudge at me.

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