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"No! No, you can't!" I heard my mom scream from outside my room.

"You keep doing this to me, Carrie!" my dad screamed back and then I hear a crash.

"Don't, please don't! How am I suppose to take care of them by myself?" my mom pleaded.

"You won't have too! I'll take them!" he argued back.

"What? No! No!" my mom screamed and I heard them struggle.

"Get off of me!" my dad yelled and I hear silence. I got out of my bed and walked over the to the crack of my door with my sew-together dolly. I peeked through.

"You aren't taking my girls away from me, Micheal." my mom whispered to him in anger. He had bags in hand and was dressed in his suit. The one with holes. The one we could only afford for Christmas last year.

"I'm sure I could sell them for some good money." he spat at her. She spoke lowly and I caught fowl language in her statement. It made daddy angry and he cursed before he rose his hand and hit her. She fell to the ground and I did the same as I felt my body become week.

"Ashley." my sister, Hayden, whispered to me from her room. I looked over and she ran quietly to me. "Are you okay?" she asked me. I shook my head. I looked up and saw my dad yelling and hit her again.

"You lied and thought you could get away with what you did. You keep doing this." he screamed.

"You say it like you don't go out and sleep with all those whores at the diner. Yeah I know." she yelled as she stood and picked up her purse.

"Come on, Ashley." Hayden tugged on my arm as I watched.

"You can't talk to me like that." my dad yelled and charged at my mom.

"Ashley." Hayden begged me. I watched as my mom screamed in terror as he sat on top of her a strangled her. She fought with all her might and glanced at me. She reached and tears streamed down my face. Hayden was crying too but didn't want to show it for me.

"Stop it!" I yelped helplessly as I watched. My father's blood shot eyes looked at me and an evil grin grew. Mom hit him and he punch her. She screamed for us to hide and my feet unglued themselves from the cold floor.

Hayden hurried us to my small closet. We hid in the corner. Hayden held my small body in her lap and held my head to her chest and wrapped her arms around it, trying to protect and comfort me.

"No! No! Take me instead! Please, Micheal! Stop! No! Leave them alone! Please! Please nooo!" my mother cried in the struggle as she followed my father into my room. I could here him tear through my things and ruin my small girly room.

"Get off of me you slut!" he growled and I heard him smack her again. She whimpered and her body hit the ground again.

"Where are you two? Get out here, now!" my dad's voice roared like fire and shook fear into me. Hayden held me tighter and hushed me.

"Please. No. It was the only way I could get money for us. For the family, for you." my mom pleaded weakly.

"I'm tired of hearing about this." he growled and I could hear his brown scarred church shoes click against the dark wooden floor three times. Then my mom cries aloud and the springs of my bed squeak. The sound of a belt buckle jingling in the air.

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