Chapter 15: Leavetty Flies Free

Start from the beginning

Her clothing scheme was similar to Yellow's, but the colour was different. A turquoise turtleneck sweater under a sleeveless tunic that split at the waist and reached just above her knee. Concealing the split was a belt with a buckle that rested on her left side with two dangling ends. Turquoise leggings that tucked into a pair of boots that reached to her knees.

Shanna raised her hand. A sword appeared in her hand. Throwing her sword into the air, her very long braid caught it like third hand, or a vine for a grass type. She then extended both her hands, and as they both glowed white, her feet followed.

Smiling, Shanna looked at Giovanni for a second with the strange fire in her eyes. It was then she spoke mildly. "I am Shanna, the fifth pureone. Giovanni of Team Rocket, beware my wrath, for I am going to crush you like a gnat."

Giovanni had recovered his voice, though. Screaming for his troops, both old and new robots(those even Shanna had not seen, but apparently it was no problem, in fact Shanna was grinning) stormed out of enemy barracks. Lashing out with her braid, Shanna kept the enemies at bay, because she disintegrated any who touched her sword. Yellow backed away from the battle, and into the cave secretly. There she presently found an unconscious Red, and other unconscious or injured dexholders who had tried so hard to prevent Team Rocket from getting Shanna. Sobbing at the sad sight, Yellow thought miserably, "what am I to do?"

Unexpectedly, a soft voice answered her. "Go up the stairs to your left. Once you walk up those steps, the others, fainted or not, will follow."

Yellow gasped and thought, "Shanna?"

Shanna didn't reply, but steps carved into the rock told Yellow all she needed to know. Walking up those steps, the dexholders floated after her, one by one, up the stone stairs.

At the end of the staircase lay a small platform where they were hidden from sight by any onlooker in the battlefield below. Gently laying down all the dexholders, Yellow dug around in her bag, and found a first aid kit and a lot of bandages.

After tending to those who were conscious - Crystal, protected by Gold and Silver, Ruby, whose pokemon worked themselves to the bone to save him, White, protected by Black's chivalry, and Platinum, who had just been lucky. Yellow set to work on the people who had life-threatening injuries.

First it was Diamond, who had sustained three deep cuts to both arms. Yellow, using her powers, healed him.

Then came Sapphire, who had a nasty cut on her leg.

Next was Gold, who apparently had a broken leg bone. That too was easily fixed.

After that was Green, with a number of cuts and bruises, though all minor, the sheer number must've accumulated to one large painful feeling.

And that was the easy part.

Black had scratch marks across his forehead, arms and legs, and by the way they were bleeding, they were all cut deep. She expelled much power in healing him.

Pearl had a cut on his neck, and it was bleeding profusely. After using up much of her energy, she went to the next.

Emerald lay on a blanket, with Ruby desperately trying to set his swollen arm in a cast. Yellow used up another huge amount of energy, and now starting to feel drained, she dragged herself over to Silver.

Silver was bleeding from a head wound, and Crystal was doing everything in a last ditch attempt to stop his bleeding. Looking at Silver, she felt a surge of energy. Healing him, she stepped towards the most gruesome sight.

Red lay on the flattest part of the rocky platform, bleeding from the largest stomach wound she had ever seen. Blue, who was awake now, was rapidly changing bandages, but they wouldn't stop wetting themselves with blood every minute or two. Red himself was unconscious, saving him from feeling the pain, but if the pain didn't kill him, the blood loss would, everybody knew.

Most of the others were now awake. They all watched her as she stepped nervously towards Red.

Yellow extended a shaking hand. Transferring her powers to her hand as she normally would, she put the her hand in front of Red's wound-

And felt nothing.

Yellow couldn't help but break down. Seeing her friends being injured, seeing many pokemon hurt, and seeing the one she loved so close to death and feeling useless as the healer. She wept for all she was worth. Tears ran down her cheeks rapidly, hands grabbing at her blonde hair in frustration and sadness. Nobody tried to stop her.

Suddenly a golden tear fell from one eye and on to Red. The tear dropped on to the open wound, and it healed instantly.

Then as Yellow kept crying(and not noticing), more golden tears fell on to Red's limp body. Slowly, he regained his strength, and when he sat up and hugged Yellow, she wasn't sure whether to cry or blush(or both).

A cry sounded from the battlefield below. Surprised, they wished they wouldn't see an overpowered girl.

They didn't.

Phew, I hope you like this one. Took me ages to get here! Did you like the story so far? Let me know in the comments below!

I do not own pokemon.

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