Hands Up

652 15 13

Forming Voltron was much more difficult than it should've been after four years.

Allura was piloting the green lion, which caused an incredibly large amount of issues. Green just didn't want to connect with the Altean,  she wanted her old paladin and she made it known often.

It took multiple talks with Shiro and the rest of the team for Green to stop begging for her old paladin before every battle. They tried to explain that Pidge was gone, she'd chosen to search for her family on her own, but Green refused to accept it.

The lion would occasionally have intense freak outs, trying to break free of the hangar and wreaking everything inside of it. They assumed it was whenever Pidge was in danger, which was a good indicator for them to know when she was and wasn't safe.

They tried to use the lion bond to contact Pidge multiple times, see how she was doing, where she was, if she'd be willing to come back. Sure, they got bits and pieces of her emotions from it if they tried hard enough, but never anything solid.

All they knew was that she was happy, but frustrated. That was good though, it meant she was somewhere safe and content.

They kept an eye out for her wherever they went, hoping to spot a glimpse of her and see how she was doing. Keith especially.

It had taken him months to get him to open up to the others and explain that he and Pidge had known each other before going into space. He also explained that they'd be... involved with each other.


Shiro and Matt has known each other after all, and the four of them spent a lot of time together. So the two had started to date, in some sense. Nothing official like most couples, just something casual and testing the waters to see how they felt about each other.

The answer was, they felt very very strongly about each other, and Pidge leaving hit Keith hard.

Galra were the type that kept a partner for life if possible, and Keith was no exception. He wasn't willing to believe that his girl wasn't out there and didn't want him.

"Maybe she'll be there," Lance suggested as they flew towards the planet they were set to defend.

Drule, the Galra were building a base on there and beginning to enslave the population. The Paladins weren't eager on letting that happen.

"If she's there I'd be surprised," Hunk groaned, knowing that Drule was mostly just mountains and forests. No tech, nothing she'd have been interested in.

"Guys! Focus!" Shiro barked, frowning.
"We've got to get this done fast! They establish this base and they'll have a big foothold in this quadrant!"

"The Blade of Marmora will be here in half a varga, we just need to hold things down until then." Keith assured them, smiling as they flew. He could feel Red purring in the back of his mind, giving him some encouragement for the fight.

"There's many Galra on the planet, mostly excavators and builders, but I'm assuming a large amount of sentries as well." Allura murmured, voice strained just a bit as she tried to get Green to cooperate with her.

"Any ideas of who may be leading the operation?" Lance asked, "do the locals know?"

"We think it's Sendak or someone in his squad, all the photos we've seen have had his insignias on the armor." Shiro frowned. That mean things would likely be difficult for him. He still had issues with facing against him.

Too many bad memories, too many open wounds.

Everyone collectively groaned, knowing that Sendak and his crew were a pain in the ass to handle. Especially because of Shiro's issues with him.

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