Chapter 36: Meet Again

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Dream's POV


The silhouetted man in my nightmares. It was him. But...why?

"That wasn't supposed to happen." He said, lowering his gun. He glanced at George's bloodied body and frowned slightly. "That wasn't my intention."

Anger flooded my body, my hands curling into fists. I gritted my teeth, fire burning in my eyes with immoral intent. "Skeppy. What the hell is your problem?"

"Many, actually." He replied. "But I do have to point out that your boyfriend's death is your fault."

I punched the desk with all my rage and wrath, hearing a sickening crunch from either the desk or my bones. I don't give a damn, my mentality now is much more broken than my bones anyways. "Why is it my fault!? You are the one who shot him!"

"I aimed at you, not my fault he took the bullet. The bullet wouldn't kill you anyways, just make you unconscious. I'm not planning to kill you any time soon." He explained, twiddling with the gun he's holding.

"Then why did it kill George?" I asked, the rage inside of me slowly fading, a heavy feeling of grief and agony gradually building up in my system.

"You still don't know, Dream?" He smirked weakly. Even though it was a half-assed smirk, it still reflected his wickedness. "One word and maybe it'll all rush back to you; pure."

"Pure..magical affinity..what is the meaning of all of this?" I ran a hand through my messy hair, my legs getting wobbly and my body fatigue.

"It means you..." He pointed at me. "...are one of a kind."

"Dream! George! Are you okay down there!?" I heard Sapnap's voice in the distance. "I heard a loud sound and it seemed like it came from here."

He reached the room. "There really is a tun--" And suddenly stopped in his tracks, dropping his heavy flail in shock, he covered his opened mouth with a shaky hand.

He stared at George's body in horror. "OH MY GO--"

"Sapnap, watch out!" I called out to him, snapping him from his state of trauma.

He whipped his head to the side and saw Skeppy sauntering towards him with a syringe in hand. "Sk-Sk-Skeppy!?"

"Hello, Sapnap. I'm very sorry about what I'm gonna do. It doesn't hurt much and it won't kill. No hard feelings, eh?"

"W-W-Wait! Step back--" But before Sapnap could pick up his flail, Skeppy already injected him on his neck.

Sapnap blinked a couple of times. His body started to teeter back and forth, side by side and finally, he fell to the cold floor, unconscious.

"Sapnap..." I fell to the ground on my knees, another wave of tears seeping out of my eyes. "George..." I felt my already crushed heart break into more fragments.

"I'm not that heartless, I'll give you time." He said and exited the room, leaving me alone to wallow and drown in my own guilt, grief and profound despair.

I couldn't even look at George without dying again in the inside.

If I should've known. If I should've known better. I would have protected him from this horrible fate. I would've protected them both.

Skeppy. Skeppy. What the fuck?

All these years being friends with him. All these years playing Minecraft and thinking he was a cool guy. Wouldn't have thought he'd also be the one to kill the man I love.

Skeppy is the man behind the slaughter.

Why did he end up like this? I know that we didn't do any harm to him and that he's just doing this because of me. The pureness in me, he wants to manipulate it.

But, how long have he known this?

After some time of crying both in the inside and outside, I stood up and took a deep breath, trying my best to be determined.

I thought about Sapnap, I thought about how he didn't deserve to be dragged into this mess and how he was meant to enjoy riding horses and doing Sapnap things. I felt a spark of determination glister inside of me, a small flame warming up my dead freezing broken heart.

I thought about A6d, the twins, Toby and Sergio. They deserve happiness and freedom from all of this.

Now that I think of it, Skeppy was the reason A6d got into the island in the first place, wasn't it?

The twins, the person they were gonna meet was Skeppy. Skeppy was the one who caused the disappearances. Was he also the one who killed the pilot?

Bad, is he with Skeppy? Is he on Skeppy's side? After all the moments we had? We trusted him. We trusted Bad. But that only seems to be the most logical explanation to why he disappeared. To why he kept brooding.

And at last, I thought about George. My sweet baby, Skeppy really took him away from me. I even saw it with my own two eyes. Saw it when he released his last breath and fluttered his eyes close, forever.

We've only just got binded and he already left me. I can't even blame Skeppy anymore. It's all my damned fault.

If only it was me who died. Skeppy's plan would be immediately ruined. But I can't just die right now. George died for me already, I don't want his death to be in vain.

I will fight for him, I will live for him. Because that's all I'm left to do. That's all I can do.

Is it? Or can I do more?

In my peripheral vision, the portal gun on the table caught my eye.

There's something in my gut that's telling me to use it.

Courage temporarily filled the void in my chest as I reached out to the gun. When I touched it, I felt a strong cackle of electricity spark through my veins, igniting something in me.

I held it in my hands, feeling a strong wave of power and energy.

What is this feeling?

There wasn't a trigger on the gun, I don't have any idea how to make it work. Heck, I don't know if it would work since it's not even completed yet. Still, there's something, a feeling, that's telling me I'm on the right track.

I squeezed the gun's handle, discerning the sense of power, vigor and force that's been kindling and boiling in my blood.

It's like a part of me that's been long dormant finally awoken. Finally sparking to life.

The truth of myself; I'm almost there. I will finally discover it.

I will avenge you, George.

The zest and vigor that seethed in my blood began to overwhelm me and as a result, my vision began to blur and my hearing began to fade.

Soon, darkness filled my vision. I feel like I've been here before.

"Ah, we meet again, Dream." The same father-like voice from that weird dream echoed throughout the darkness.

It really wasn't just imaginary. Everything's real.

"We've met again. Can you now tell me who you are?" I asked, desperate. "Please?"

This entity is my last hope. My last hope to end this pain, to end this suffering. This entity is my key to finally understand myself. To understand this magical affinity of mine.

So I can bring George back to life.

"Guardian of Time is what they call me but just call me Father Time for short."


Author's POV

So, what do you think of the story now? Give me feedback, thoughts and theories. Threats are also welcomed.

I love you all ❤️.

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