Chapter 6: Murder Mystery

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Dream's POV

Without a second thought, we all dashed back to the hotel, not looking back to the airplane in inferno. Not to mention the horrid death we just witnessed. Poor pilot, he was so nice. Didn't deserve a beheading.

We ran and ran, not even skidding to a stop. I felt my feet burn slightly but I didn't pay attention to it, adrenaline took over my body. All I could think of at that moment was how's, what's and why's.

What just happened?

How did this happen?

Why did this happen?

All I really just wanted was a peaceful vacation for two weeks with the people I longed to hang out with. A quick getaway and distraction from problems and responsibilities. The toxicity of the real world. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is.

Once we arrived at the hotel, we sprinted upstairs, not even bothering to wait at the elevator.

We ran inside George's suite since it was the closest and locked the door. When we came to a stop, we all dropped down the floor, panting and breathing heavily.

The adrenaline was wearing off and I could finally feel my muscles ache as I winced in pain.

"The pilot is dead. The airplane is destroyed." George said, breathing heavily. "How are we gonna go home now!?"

"Looks while we're stuck here until we figure out the truth behind this Hotel and Murder Mystery." Sapnap answered, staring blankly at the ceiling. He seemed really traumatized back there, considering he almost just puked his stomach out. Can't blame him, it was really terrifying. All of us are shaken up and scared. All we have is each other right now.

"Let's search for clues. I'm sure there are lots of them here in the hotel." I said, sitting up on the floor.

"Yeah, you're right." Sapnap said.

"But we should quickly freshen up first, I got blood prints and sweat all over my shirt." George suggested and we hummed in agreement.

We agreed to freshen up for 20 minutes and meet at the lobby. Gotta use this big brain to search for clues. Call me Dreamlock Holmes. Okay, that name is awful. Gotta think of something better. Detective Claynan? Nancy Dream. Okay, I gotta stop.

After a short yet nice shower, I felt less anxious about this whole island catastrophe and a glimmer of determination sparked up in me.

I was drying my hair with a towel when a raspy voice called out to me.

"Hey buddy, why don't we search together?" Sergio said, flapping his wings excitedly.

"Do you even have experience?" I said, narrowing my eyes at him, playfully.

"Of course, pal. How many years do ya think I've been trapped in this hotel? I know this island better than y'all do." Sergio boasted and squawked smugly.

I laughed and gestured to my shoulder. "You're part of the team, then."

"I ain't doing this for free, ya know." He said, landing on top of my left shoulder.

I wheezed and shook my head in disbelief. "Here you go, Sergio." I gave him a cracker. "You're really a handful."

"I could say the same thing about you." He retorted and I wheezed again.

"You're sassy."

"And you're sappy."

Our bickering continued as we walked towards the lobby.


"You are really a fine lookin' fellow." Sergio said, looking at George.

"Wait, are you talking about me?" George asked the sassy colorful parrot on my shoulder who just can't shut his mouth.

"Ya heard that right. Maybe that's why buddy pal right here looks at you the way I look at cra--" I pinched his beak close and smiled apologetically at George.

"Don't mind him. He loves to talk nonsense." I said, glaring at Sergio.

"Nonsense? You don't think I'm a fine looking fellow?" George asked, dramatically putting his hand over his heart, his brows furrowed in dramatic pain.


"It's okay Dream. I kind of understand." He sighed, guilt tripping me.

"George, I--"

"You're more like a..Sapnap stan." He said, yet another dramatic sigh escaped his lips.

"George, I think you're hot." I said thoughtlessly. I realized what I just said and my cheeks blushed a little.

"I'm. So. Glad. I. Recorded. That." Sapnap laughed and clapped his hands joyously.

George giggled and rolled his eyes. "I know, Dream. You didn't have to scream it out loud." He teased.

"Wow, Dream. We're happy you finally opened up about your feelings towards George." Bad teased and the three of them laughed.

I laughed and sighed. 'I'm so done with this' written all over my face.

I began to walk away and towards the assembly hall.

"Hey, where are you going?" Sapnap called out.

"Away from all of you and actually trying to do something productive." I remarked.

"OooOoHhHh. The shade." Sergio said and we both laughed as we walked towards the wide yet messy assembly hall.


George's POV

"Okay team minus Dream. We're gonna have to split." I said as we huddled close in a circular formation. It made me feel badass for some reason.

"Bad, you search the banquet hall. Sapnap, you're in charge here in the lobby and I'll scour the kitchen." I said and we all nodded at each other, separating to our different posts and quests.

I started to search the kitchen's cabinets, cupboards and countertops. Nothing out of the blue just yet.

The smell of the ice cream in the fridge kept taunting me, distracting me from my very serious searching. When all of this is over, I'll snatch all of the ice cream from that fridge, I swear.

I continued to search and in the backmost part of the kitchen, in a dusty cabinet lied an empty bottle of Dr. Pepper and a newspaper clipping stashed inside. The bottle had bloody fingerprints that traced along the curves of the plastic bottle. I don't know if I want to touch that. But for the sake of our lives' I had no choice.


???'s POV

12 days. 12 days left. I'm getting closer and closer to success. But the only one that ever believed in me began to doubt me. He said I've changed. That I'm blinded by my own ego and confidence.

Well, my confidence is the last speck of hope I can cling onto.

I was right. Even if I lied about myself, even if I show them my true colors; in the end, all they ever do to me is doubt and judge.

Nobody ever believed in me, that's why I had to only believe in myself. Myself is all I have.

I had someone who finally understood me. Believed in me. But now, I'm losing him.

I'm winning, but at what cost?


Author's POV

Double update for y'all 'cause I'm feeling it. Thank you for supporting my story! It hasn't been a week yet and y'all are showing me love. Thank you a million times! I'll keep working hard! 💗

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