Embarrassment // Part 4

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Hinata POV

We managed another loss for the final match of the day. At this point, everyone knew I had a moment with Kenma, not even close, it was just a look. Daichi seems to be fed up with both of us, in fact the whole team is just pushing his buttons today. That was very clear on his face. Suga on the other hand looks to be enjoying the fresh tea. I planned what I would say if anyone actually asks why. My best plan was to say I was looking because... dang it, I don't have a plan. We left for Miyagi I shuffled my feet towards the back of the bus. Everyone seems to be bonding over this one caught act. I heard a shrieking laugh and turned to see Nishinoya absolutely DYING of laughter.  "KENMA?" I heard Noya squeeze out between laughs. "shhh, keep it down" I heard Suga say, clearly worried that I heard. I did hear and now I'm being laughed at by everyone. I looked up at met Kageyama's eyes. He first read my face then tried holding back a laugh, happy he got a kick out of me. "I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING," I heard myself say, loud enough for the whole bus to hear. I looked Noya in eyes and that dropped his laugh and smile pretty quickly. I guess they didn't like the look in my eyes. I tried really hard to make it seem like I was piercing their soul with just a look. I guess it worked?? Then I felt everyone's eyes on me. I wanted to hide and cry away my embarrassment. I wanted to be with Kenma. 

Kenma POV

I tried my hardest to not look over at Karasuno's court. I could sense the secondhand embarrassment from Shoyo already. Kuroo seems to be up to something, he's been watching Karasuno like test subjects from time to time. After winning the set we all started out of the gymnasium and out towards the buses. It was too busy to use my phone and find my way to Nekoma's bus so I pocketed my phone and sifted my way through the crowd. I could hear commotion from the Karasuno bus. My first thought when to Shoyo, I hope he was ok, he looked really nervous and embarrassed when I last saw him. My thoughts of Shoyo drifted to his smile, the twinkle in his eye, and a pale pink blush that spreads along his cheeks when he's flustered. Bam I slam right into Lev, causing me to drop my bag and fall. I scramble to my feet and look up at the annoying giant. "I'm so sorry Kenma!" Lev called out. Kuroo came over from the side and commented, "Maybe if you got your head out of the clouds then you could actually look where your walking Kenma?" ... "whatever assh-" Kenma started under his breath. "What was that?!" Kuroo said with more attitude. Kenma looked up flustered, he knew they wouldn't do anything but it was still frightening to be confronted by 2 angry dudes. Especially when they're much taller than you. 

~time skip // on the bus ride home~ 

To: Shoyo

hey shoyo, I'm bored any my DS just died...


From: Shoyo

Hey Kenma! I'm on the bus home. Today wasn't the best day for my team. And they keep being annoying and well... shipping me. with you.... and the whole team talked about it. It's so... FWAHHhhhh

After reading that last message from Shoyo. I didn't know how to respond. Should I even respond? It's not just Kuroo, it's Karasuno too. ALL of Karasuno. Shoyo seemed upset about it. That obviously must mean he doesn't like me that way. That's fine? I mean he's just a friend... "Why is your face constantly turning red Kenma?" Kuroo asked, more like a statement than a question. Kuroo announcing that made my cheeks drop 5 shades darker. I heard a laugh from Kuroo. "It's not funny," "It is Kenma! You never show this much emotion, ever!" Kuroo blurted while maintaining a small chuckle. "Cmon Kenma you can tell me." Kuroo insisted, dropping the laugh. "I don't know what to tell you. It's nothing," ... "We both know it's not nothing. Just tell me who." Kuroo said with a smirk. I mean it really is nothing, and Kuroo is my best friend he can help if anything. "I really mean it's nothing. But it's sh...o" ... "Who?" "it's sho-...." "Speak up Kenma!" "it's shoyo." I said, honestly really pissed off at this point. I look up to see Kuroo accompanied by Lev and Yaku. Great, just told my best friend a secret, but nope, told stupid Lev and Yaku too. "just shut up. It's nothing so don't run you big mouths." I say with complete seriousness. "Ya know Kenma, you should be nicer now that we got some dirt over your head," Lev said with a sing-songy voice. I swear I might murder this kid. "if you think you can just eavesdrop and blackmail me I'm gonna have an issue." I say looking up at Lev with a cold-hearted stare in my eyes. I haven't even done anything I'm in too deep with Hinata. Damn it. 

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