Chapter 2

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I continued to mentally complain until one of the examiners began to speak.

"Welcome all! I'm Menchi. Your examiner for the second phase." The woman examiner announced. "And I'm Buhara." A huge guy behind Menchi spoke, which amazed me. That's the biggest guy I've ever seen. Nice.

A loud grumble sliced through the silence. I perked up. Wait... was that. Him?

"Sounds to me like you're getting hungry." Menchi smiled at Buhara. No Way! It was him! That's so awesome.

"Not just hungry, I'm famished!" He bellowed. I was curious of what this had to do with the second phase. If I have to cook something, I'm screwed. But that would be ridiculous, so I should be fine.

"Well then it's settled. The second phase will be... cooking!" Menchi declared. What?! No! You've got to be kidding me! What is this? Karma?! I knew it would catch up to me sooner or later! I slouched. So much for becoming a hunter to find my parents. I'm doomed!

The examiners announced that the main ingredient would be pork. Not that it mattered. I couldn't cook for shit. Everybody quickly dispersed into the forest, while I only slowly walked away. I shoved my hands into my pockets, grumbling about the phase. I guess it can't be helped.

My thoughts were interrupted by many screams erupting from the forest. I looked up to see many people running away from a stampede. A stampede of pigs? Great. I swiftly jumped up into a tree and watched the stampede run by. I watched people fail at trying to kill the pigs and sighed. This is too much work for a phase I know I'll fail.

I continued to scan the crowd when a specific group of people caught my eye. I was suprised to see two boys my age fighting two pigs of their own. I never thought I'd run into kids my age. Huh... That's cool I guess. I watched the boy with the black spiky hair run from a pig. I gasped as he hit the pig in the forehead. That's the weakspot! I waited until a pig stopped under my tree, peering up at me.

I jumped down from the tree and forcefully brought my leg down on the pig's forehead, successfully killing it. I grunted as I hoisted the pig over my shoulder. I dragged it back to my cooking station with minor complaining. I agressively slammed it onto the counter. I threw it over the fire and watched it cook.

I had literally no idea when it would be done, so I just picked a random time to take it off the fire. I know. I'm super skilled at cooking. I tossed it roughly onto a plate and served it to Menchi. She stared at it in disgust.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" She screamed at my face. Right in front of her was a singed pig, steam pouring from it. It looked like a decomposing corpse.

"Art.~" I smirked. I leaned back on my heals as I watched her face redden. She was fuming. Her reaction was exactly what I was going for.

"YOU CALL THIS ART?! THIS IS THE WORST DISH I'VE EVER SEEN! YOU FAIL WITHOUT A DOUBT! IT'S EASILY THE WORST OF ALL THE CONTESTANTS!" Menchi screamed and flipped my plate. I don't even think Buhara wanted it.

"What an honor." I sarcastically said, bowing before her. She only breathed heavily, trying to contain her anger. A sly smirk stretched across my face as I spun on my heel and walked off. Well at least I failed as a joke too. Man I got to learn to be serious for once. Nah. That's no fun. I felt many eyes on me as I lazily walked back to my station.


I yawned as the last person went up. Everyone has failed so far. I thought that blonde guy with the burger like dish would pass, but Menchi also failed him.

Many people started to fuss about the phase, but Menchi did this whole speech thing to put them in their place. I don't really know what happened because I kinda spaced out for awhile. I was snapped out of my pointless daydreams by an airship flying above us. I shielded my eyes from the sun to see a man jump from the airship.

My eyes widened and I smiled in amazement as the man landed in front of Menchi. That was so awesome! He started to scold Menchi, and she declared we'd be retaking the second phase. I was relieved to hear this since I didn't actually want to fail, despite my careless attitude.


We boarded the airship, only to get off at a huge canyon. I recognized it as Mt. Split in Half.

"This is it. Take a look at whats down there." Menchi stated. I looked over the edge to see thick webs. I hope we get to jump down there! I love heights!

"What is that?" Some random guy questioned.

"A spider eagles web. Look pass the web to what's underneath. Those are spider eagle eggs" Menchi informed. I brightened. I think we do get to jump down there!

"Hey wait a minute. So you mean..." The same man implied we'd have to jump, fear lacing his voice.

"You bet I do!" Menchi replied. A large smile crept across my face as I mentally cheered. This is so much better than cooking!

Menchi ran and jumped off the cliff. Many people gasped, and I watched with interest. She grabbed the web, and waited.

There has to be a draft. It would only make sense. She suddenly let go of the web, and fell into the fog of the ravine. I leaned over the edge in anticipation. Soon enough, the woman came flying back up, an egg in her grasp. I couldn't wait to run off the cliff when I took notice of the same group of boys from earlier. They all jumped off the cliff, just as excited as me.

I wasted no time in jumping, as did many others. We all grabbed onto the web and waited. Some people let go right away, and fell to their deaths. Haha, dumbasses. I waited and focused on the temperature of the ravine. I knew I'd be able to sense the draft, due to it's temperature.

I waited for what seemed to be an eternity. I felt the web jolt and dip, and my head swung to the side. The web was snapping. Great. The draft better be here soon, or else we'd all die.

Soon enough, I sensed the change of temperature. A draft of warm air seemed to be coming. I smirked and let go of the web. To my suprise, so did the boy with the black spikey hair from before. I grabbed an egg, and let the draft carry me back to solid land.

I held my egg and walked over to Menchi. She saw me coming, and an irritated expression already consumed her face.

"Do you mind boiling this for me?" I politely asked. She seemed taken aback for a second, before composing herself once again.

"Uh... sure." She wearily took the egg, and started boiling it. I watched her in facisnation. It was such a simple act, but it was still entertaining.

"Hey, I just know I'm terrible at cooking. If this egg tastes as good as people say it does, I'd like it cooked right." I laughed, and sheepishly scratched the back of my neck. Menchi let out a small chuckle and gave the now boiled egg to me.

I stared at it for a second, and then finally took a bite. Pure bliss enveloped me. This is delicious! I smiled and began to scarf it down. Menchi only laughed at me, and turned to another guy.

Once I finished my egg, I boarded the airship once again. I began to process everything that happened today. I really passed the first two exams. Wow. I'm a step closer to becoming a Hunter.

Don't worry, Killua will be in the next chapter! Byeeee

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