David and Goliath (feminine David)

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There was a huge crowd gathered in the corridor just four to five feet away from Seb's new class, so huge was the crowd that it acquired the seven feet wide corridor. He was trying to cleave his way through but apperently these humans had formed a strong ring around the epicentre of the commotion. When he finally got through with a couple of bruises accompanying him on his shoulder he saw the most bizarrely funny incident he ever witnessed. He was not prejudiced towards the willpower and strength of girls, but it's not everyday you saw a five foot five beating a six foot with a cute little brunette boy watching quietly, smirking wickedly.

A girl was towering over a huge guy as he was lying down, with his hand desperately trying to avoid further damage on the face and trying to get the apologies to the girl. 'Boy, the damage on the face, making Mohamed Ali blush' thought Seb as he pitiably saw a Herculean guy being beaten. It was David and Goliath all over again, only Goliath was less lucky this time and David was a girl. He thought of ending the fight due to his instinct developed in his previous school but how could he? He just came to this school. In his last one he was revered by his fellow peers so no one argued on the stoppage. But here, he didn't know the decorum, so going against all his instinct, he stood there, awestruck by the rare sight in front of him.

When the fight ended, probably because the girl was tired, she made Goliath kneel in front of the little brunette boy and apologise to him. The boy thanked the girl and accepted the apology before running off to his class. When the famine David turned giving Seb a bunch of seconds to register the face, a gush of familiarity passed through him, filling him with nausea. The girl surely looked astonishing, straight silkly black hair running down to her shoulders she was not chubby and could not be labeled as anorexic, just the perfect size. Her face had no make up except a dab of lip gloss on her perfectly shaped lips and eye liner over her astonishingly beautiful pitch black eyes. Her face had fairly natural light complexion. Her cheeks looked soft as roses and a light blush appeared on them when she was praised by her friends.

Seb surely knew the nausea was not because of her beauty, he knew how that felt. It was more of the strange familiarization radiated by her, hitting him hard on his face, making his heart race.

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