✧ 3 || Friends ✧

Start from the beginning


My smile turned into a bitter one as I was reminded of last night. Feelings sure are confusing.


Kageyama: well there's this person that makes me feel weird when I'm around them. like I start feeling anxious and my heart starts pounding and I start stuttering. what does that mean? am I scared of this person?

Me: Oh, no. Not at all actually. Is this person Hinata?

Kageyama: how do you know?! is it that obvious??

Me: Hah, yep! Obvious to everyone except for you and your lover!

Kageyama: ...lover?

Me: Oh, right. Well that feeling of yours sounds like love. Perhaps you have a crush on him?

Kageyama: A CRUSH?! ON THAT DUMBASS!? no way.

Me: Hm. Well I guess that's as much as I can do for you. You might want to think about it a bit more, though. Maybe ask him to hang out with you after school and see how you feel about it. That might help.

Kageyama: ...okay. but I don't think I like him in that way.

Me: You'll figure that out soon! I hope I helped enough!

Kageyama: you did. thank you sugawara

Me: No problem! Stay safe


I turned off my phone and placed it in my pocket. Nostalgic memories came to mind as I walked. Memories about how I denied my love for Daichi until I finally realized it. It was interesting to see him go through the same thing I did.

Kageyama is, of course, way more oblivious than I was. Perhaps it would take more than a nudge to move him forward. It would be nice to see him get together with Hinata.


I walked outside, finding myself at the front of the gym. I had forgotten my water bottle from our practice this morning and went to go get it. I reached the door which was left half open but stopped when I heard two voices.

"Like that?" an excited voice asked, which I assumed was Hinata.

"Yep! You're doing quite well!" the other voice responded.

My chest felt heavy. I spent my entire day trying to avoid him so I could avoid the constant dropping of my heart every time I saw him. It was foolish to think I could avoid him all day, though. Practice in the morning was hard enough, now this?

I took a deep breath in and reminded myself that I would be alright. I walked closer to the door and hid behind a wall to see if I could hear their conversation. I held onto the hope that Daichi would leave soon. From their conversation, I could make out that Daichi was teaching Hinata how to receive better. He didn't plan on leaving.

I closed my eyes and let out an exhale, letting myself know that I had to face him. If I was going to face him, I was going to do so stoically.

"Could you serve the ball again?" I could hear Hinata ask in his signature cheery voice.

I walked in calmly, pretending as if last night didn't even happen. I didn't want to make eye contact with Daichi, knowing that it would make me feel sick. Unfortunately, I was forced to do so when a volleyball came rolling at my feet.

"Sorry, I aimed wrong," Daichi said.

I drew in a shaky breath and gave him a quick nod, knowing I couldn't trust my voice.

✧ With Love ✧ || A Haikyuu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now