"You don't even know me."

"Well I would if you'd go on and tell me about yourself." You say to her as you lean back slightly, your stomach muscles flexing in the hot sun. You watch as her eyes give your body a onceover. She was trying to act uninterested, but you could tell you had her attention. Women like Lottie, they needed a man who didn't back down and lucky for her, you had no intention of letting her scare you away.

"Well, I'm a makeup artist from Australia..."

You stop her. "I know all that... I meant the real Lottie. What makes you tick? What are you looking for here?" You lock eyes with her.

"I'm looking for the same thing the other girls are, babes. I'm looking for a prince to sweep me off my feet." She says with an amused smile.

You let out a laugh. "You're full of shit. You and I both know you don't want no prince." You smirk.

"Is that right?"

"You heard me." You say, biting your lip.

"Then tell me Jakub, what is it that I want?"

"A woman like you needs a beast. Someone who won't run off scared like a twat every time you get a little pissy. Someone who has no problem putting you in your place, giving you a little run for your money."

She turns moves her sunglasses to her head and turns towards you, planting her tattooed feet on the pavement, her eyes locking on yours. "Let me guess, you're that beast huh?"

You lean forward, leaving just inches between your faces. "I reckon I am, and I think you know it."

Her lips turn up into a sexy smile, a hint of danger in her piercing green eyes. "I think it's a bit presumptuous of you to assume that I like you."

"I saw how you were looking at me last night. You couldn't keep your eyes off me." You wink as you give her a wide smile.

She breaks into a fit of laughter. "Oh babes, come off it! You were the one who couldn't take your eyes off me."

"You only noticed because you were looking at me bae. Admit it." You laugh.

"I'll admit nothing of the sort." She says, shaking her head at you. She grabs the bottle of sunblock and begins to apply it to her fair skin.

"Turn around, I'll get your back." You say as you extend your hand, waiting for her to squirt the lotion into your palm. She stares at you for a second, her eyes narrowing slightly, before she finally squirts a small amount of sunblock into your hand and turns around. She takes her long blond hair in her hand and sweeps it to her shoulder. Your softly begin to rub the lotion into her fair skin, making sure to coat her back evenly.

"I like your tattoos." You say as you hold your hand out for another squirt of sunblock. She obliges and you continue rubbing the lotion onto her back.

"Ugh, you're not going to ask me to tell you what they all mean are you?" She asks.

You let out laugh. "Nah, I don't really care what they mean, I just think they look hot." You trace your finger down one of them.

She glances over her shoulder. "Good, because I wasn't going to tell you."

"I don't need a backstory on your ink." You let out a small laugh as you trail your fingers softly down her skin, making her shiver.

"Fair." She says as she repositions herself on her lounger, giving you a small smirk.

You turn your attention to the villa as you hear the doors open. Brooklyn walks towards the two of you and takes a seat on the lounger opposite Lottie.

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