x. No One Ate Leo on Kira's Watch

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Jason hopped onto Festus, then Leo, but Kira paused. 

"Coach Hedge!" She screamed over the rumbling of the building. Flames curled up the walls. Leo shook his head.

"We've got him, Ki!" He yelled, and Kira listened. She hopped on the back on Festus, right behind him. 

Festus dove to catch Piper, who had decided to jump over the side. 

The group could hear Medea screaming in rage as the soared through the broken roof and into open air.

Immediately, Kira took a deep breath, no longer being choked by fumes. 

The department store exploded behind them. 

As soon as the explosion occurred, Kira let a breath of relief, but she could feel herself growing tired.

Her back hurt, as well as her shoulder, which she had landed on when the dragon threw her. Groaning, she tried to get in a comfortable position. 

"You alright?" Leo asked quickly. 

"Yeah, that dragon threw you pretty far," Jason said calmly.

"What?" Piper and Leo asked loudly at the same time. 

Kira groaned again. "I'm good, I just need some sleep," 

Leo moved so she could asleep on his shoulder, and she gave him a tired smile before passing out. 

She woke up a few hours, but deja vu hit her pretty hard when she woke up from a dreamless sleep to falling through the cold air. 


She didn't like this pattern.

This time, they stayed on the back, but Festus was cold, and his eyes were dim. 

"Not again!" Leo cried. "You can't fall again!" 

Kira made a mental note to not fall asleep on the dragon again.

Wind flew past them, and she held back a scream as her stomach did flips.  

"Jason!" Leo screamed. "Take Piper and Kira and fly out of here!"


"We need to lighten the load! I might be able to reboot Festus, but he's carrying too much weight!"

"What about you?" Piper cried. "If you can't reboot him—"

"I'll be fine," Leo yelled. "Just follow me to the ground. Go!"

Jason grabbed Piper and Kira around the waist. 

"Leo, no!" Kira cried as Jason tore her away from him. 

Jason shot towards the ground with the two girls in tow, but Kira didn't make it easy for him.

"You can't leave him!" She yelled. "Let me go!" 

But they landed safely, and she moved away from the two, deeply upset, as she waited for Leo.

"Kira," Piper said softly from behind her. 

Kira understood why they did it, but she couldn't help but be a little mad. They had left him on a failing dragon.

"It's okay," She said softly, her anger dissipating. It was so unnatural for Kira to be mad.

She looked around. There was a large white mansion glowed in the center of the grounds. Tall brick walls with lights and security cameras surrounded the perimeter.

She watched the sky for him anxiously, and then she saw the dragon.

Leo seemed to have him working, he was slowly stabilizing. 

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