39 | the return to aldbourne

Start from the beginning

" Much better, Harry, I'm just glad to be back." Hazel said and the Burnett's smiled.

" Harry, dear, would you mind starting on chopping up those vegetables. I'm going to run Hazel a bath." Grace said.

" Of course, you ladies go run off." Harry said shooing them from the kitchen as Grace pulled Hazel up the stairs.

" The room hasn't changed, all your things are still in there." Grace said as Hazel stepped towards the room. The last she'd been in the room was when she hadn't killed a man, when she hadn't gone and killed 38 men. 

38 enemies.

" I'll run your bath." Grace said, squeezing her shoulder before moving next door to turn on the water. 

Hazel slowly stepped inside the room and looked around the features of the room, just as she had remembered it. The fixtures were the same, that old squeaky light bulb, and the curtains were the soft yellow they'd always been. Grace's paintings were still there, even the sunflower one, and there were even a few more pillows in the room now. It was all the same. The window was open, letting in the slightly cool July air for the late afternoon, as the sun shone brightly through the window into the room, the fresh air creating a sweet smell. There were new plants everywhere, hanging from the ceiling, the window, the eves and peaks. 

But it was a lovely room. 

It always had been. 

Hazel slowly stepped toward the night stand where she found a small piece of chocolate, like the one Lieutenant Winters had delivered on Christmas 1943, along with a toothbrush, wash cloth and a new bar of soap. 

Hazel slowly let the rifle slide from her shoulder and rest against the nightstand, where it usually was situated, before sliding her pack off her back, drenched in sweat. She couldn't wait to change from the sweaty ODs. Hazel ran a hand through her hair, Lieb would have to give it a good trim again, as the ends were tangled with bits of dirt, sweat and possibly even blood for all she knew. 

Hazel slowly eased herself down on the bed and gave the room another good look around before bending over to pull the boots off her feet and placed them to the side. She wiggled her feet around in the socks and then slowly stood, grabbing the toothbrush, wash cloth and soap before heading over to the bath. She slowly approached the doorway where Grace made sure the water was warm pouring in the favorite lilac scented soap she always used. Hazel entered and Grace looked up hearing her footsteps.

" Just in time, it's all heated." Grace said as she stood, " I'll have fresh clothes for you in your room when you're done, but take all the time you need, the chicken won't be ready for a bit."

" Thank you, Grace, really, I needed this." Hazel said. Grace squeezed her shoulder with a smile and nodded. Then she left the bathroom and shut the door behind herself. 

Hazel sighed to herself softly and slowly removed her ODs, to her PT shorts and shirt. She slowly pulled the Star of David from around her neck and the dog tags and then the bracelet from Grace, before putting them on the sink counter beside her toothbrush. 

Then Hazel stripped completely and gleefully sunk into the bathtub, feeling warm water for the first time in over a month. She never knew how much she'd miss the feeling of actual warm water on her entire being. 

Hazel sat there for a while in the tub looking out the window towards the farm, that spread into grassy hills and a bit of a forest as the blue sky dawned overhead, a few clouds sailing by to wave hello as they did so, and the sweet smell that had filled her room, filling the bathtub with a hint of lilac. 

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