Part 6

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In the middle of that night, a shadow creeped and ducked in the darkness. It made sure that everyone was asleep. The moonlight glinted off it's face. It was Seth. He approached the door and removed the key off the note. He unlocked the door and pushed it open. He went inside. There was silence for a while, then grunts of struggle could be heard. The sound of crackling grass and snaps of twigs. Billy was lightly sleeping when he heard the struggle. He got up to assist the person in need. He grabbed a flashlight and ran down the row. He stood outside the door and the sounds were gone.

"Are you alright in there?"

"Never better," Seth emerged from the room.

"Hey...Seth got some......gray stuff dripping from your ear." Seth looked up at Billy. His expression was cold and stiff. He looked him in the eyes, emotionless, and dark. Seth's gaze moved from Billy's eyes, still saying nothing, to his neck.

"You'll have some red stuff ....dripping from your mouth!" Seth attacked! He pushed him down to the ground and punched his face, his jaw and his nose. Then Seth shot up. He turned away from Billy.

"I....I." Seth's voice shook. He was terrified. He started to scratch his skin. He scratched harder and harder. He tore skin and started to bleed. He scratched his hands. His arms. His neck. Billy covered his bleeding nose with his hand. He pushed himself off the ground. "Seth! What's wrong with you!? You threaten me, punch me and now you're clawing yourself up!"

Seth stopped. He turned back to Billy. He walked back to Billy. Slowly. Hauntingly, with that cold emotionless stare. He glared at him then at his neck. Billy looked at him horrified. He felt his throat close up and the adrenaline pumped harshly in his ears. Seth closed the space between them quickly, too fast. He grabbed Billy's throat.

"The dear little Capricorn." His voice was as cold as his stare, "You're weak." His other hand stroked Billy's hand with almost tenderness. His fingers brushed against the little goat horn. Billy felt himself tear up as he tried to gasp for breath. Seth looked him over once, twice smiling at his hand at Billy's neck.

He ripped off Billy's own horn with a snap. Strength that's too strong for any human. Billy gasped and broke into a sob of pain. Seth clapped his hand over his mouth before he could scream.

"Yes.....oh yes, very weak." He punched his throat and his chest within a second. He did this so he could have the back of Billy's shirt in one hand and the horn in the other. Billy was now bleeding from his mouth, his nose, and his head.

He dragged him to a corner and stabbed his heart with his own horn.

Seth had killed Billy the Capricorn. Seth was stronger, faster and in bloodlust. Whatever was in the room. Seth was still in it. Some part of him.

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