Part 2

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We spent one full day together. Everyone knew who Miss Burns was and that's it. No one knew anything else besides what she told us. Not even the twins Alex and Alec knew who each other were. I mean it's odd and stuff but I can't really question it if we are so well taken care of. In every house there is a hidden room. Each room is different. Mine had a peaceful garden with a small stream. I personally feel connected to it somehow that I can't really explain but I know it still. Although I can't shake the feeling that there's more there that meets the eye with Miss Burns-.

"Hey! You're Harper huh? The Virgo? I'm Seth. The Aries. Nice to meet cha!" This Seth guy just reached his hand out to me.

    "Uh yes. I'm Harper. I guess it's nice to meet you too Seth." Seth had curly red hair and had a pair of small ram horns in them. I had to toss my long blonde locks in order to reach out my arm to him. He shook it fiercely.

 "Wow you're pretty. And my, that's a lot of hair you got there. Hey look at that it rhymed and also-," he was cut off by a man with light brown hair tied up in a bun with a bow and quiver on his shoulder. He had a bandaid on his right cheek and had a survivalist outfit on. His name was Tommy.

            "Leave her alone Seth. She's clearly nervous and not interested."

"You don't know that Tom!"

            "Actually I do and-."

I spoke up, "Well, it's nice to meet you both. I think I'll leave now."

"See now look what you did Tom!"

I huffed and walked away. I saw a few people talking and a few introverts. One guy with dark black hair with hair over one eye was sitting against a wall. I bet he was a Scorpio. Somewhere else I saw a different guy sneaking off back to his house. He seemed the oldest besides Miss Burns. He had a scale sewn pattern on the back his shirt so he is probably a Libra. I also saw two people talking, down the house row. One large man with bull horns talking to a rather small girl in a fancy headdress. A girl with crabs ponytails talking with a small boy with goat horns. A surfer dude talking with the twins. Then something caught my eye. Well it was more of a someone. Leaning against the wall, with a door that no one enters through, was a well built, sturdy, well hair styled man. But it wasn't his good looks that got my attention, it was his eyes. They bore into mine, with intense perfection that caused my heart to race. The danger that lurked past the rich chocolate color that blocked the passage to his soul. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. I forgot how to breathe, to blink, even think. I don't know how much time passed before I saw him smile and break the hypnotizing gaze.

"Ooo, I saw that. I think Johnny likes you. I'm Alex by the way." I stared after him as left to talk to someone else. I responded but didn't think.

        "I'm Harper, ........and Johnny." I sighed his name.

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