"Well, Irvine." She said, slapping the globular scoop into the bowl. "It's summer. We usually hang out in the living room until we both get sleepy. Like a slumber party." 

His face twisted as he drew back as she offended him, "Amelia had a firm bedtime. Children thrive in structure. You should—"

"I don't need you to tell me what to do with my daughter."

"But she's not...your daughter."

"Excuse me."

"She's not your daughter. She's Amelia's daughter. You signed away your rights. You're a guardian. That's your place."

"My place." She gripped the edge of the counter. It was the only thing keeping her from lunging over the island and squeezing his flamingo neck. "I let you in my house. I'm doing you a courtesy. You will talk to me with respect or you can skip ya ass down the sidewalk."

He took a deep breath that puffed out his chest, hot rage visible in his eyes. But the glare that she sent back his way affirmed that if he said one more ill word she would ensure he greeted the sidewalk.

"I misspoke." He set a hand to his chest and stretched his neck to the side as if the words caused him physical pain. "I'm very protective of...my daffodil. I've known her all her life." His gaze drifted behind her out the kitchen window shrouded in darkness. "I was with Amelia when Sydney was placed in her arms. She was a chubby little baby."

Tulip's saliva was acid as she tried hard to swallow her regret and emotions, sadness nipped at the wells of her eyes. She didn't know how Sydney looked like as a baby. She just knew it took ten hours for her to dilate and eight hard, excruciating pushes to get her out. 

"Big brown eyes that searched your soul and I fell in love. I love that little girl as if she was my own." He choked back tears. Tears Tulip could see as he set his sight back on her. "Part of me hopes you fail and beg me to take her." He paused for a moment, Tulip's eyes narrowed on him and before she uttered a word he continued. "But I also loved Amelia...even though she would let me love her back." The last words were a whisper as if he was talking to himself. "So, I want to see what she sees in you. However, I don't. You're not spectacular to me. You have until August to prove me wrong."

"What do you mean?" Tulip asked.

"I mean..." He rolled his shoulders back, high on his power. "Amelia's will has contingencies. If being in your care is a detriment to Sydney, I have the power to go to court, contest your guardianship, and gain custody."

"You don't scare me." Tulip confidently folded her arms, even though fear was a heavy lump in her gut. "I'm not failing. I'm going to rock the shit out of guardianship. Don't worry while you're flying home."

"Uncle Irvine!" Sydney's jovial skips into the kitchen interrupted the hard looks they gave to each other. She hopped on the barstool in the silk initial pajamas her mom had specially made for her. "We're going beach camping."

"What!!" He gasped with excitement, smoothing her crinkled tresses out of her face and over her shoulder.

Tulip watched Sydney tell him about all their 'List of Joy' and something foreign birthed in her. Jealousy. He knew Sydney longer than her. It was easy to not be fazed by the connection Sydney and Amelia had but having to witness up close and personal the close, easy relationship Sydney had with someone else because they were there since she was an infant was a gut punch. It hurt.

"Excuse me." She hurried out the kitchen, walked up the stairs nonchalantly, and locked the bathroom door behind herself. She sank to the floor and cried.

She didn't know her baby. She could lose her baby. It was all too much to shrug off and keep ticking like it didn't cut deep. It hurt, remembering that day she lost her baby and Jasper on the same day.

Two loves lost.

How do you think Irvine's words are going to affect Tulip's parenting from this point on?

Do you think Irving has good reasons to not like Tulip?

What's the wildest dream you ever had? I once dreamed I was being chased by the creature from Jeepers Creeper and Spiderman was coming to save me because I was his sister.

What's the wildest dream you ever had? I once dreamed I was being chased by the creature from Jeepers Creeper and Spiderman was coming to save me because I was his sister

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