Chapter 8 - Emma

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Leighton went to work immediately, leaving Paul and Henry at the table.

Henry cleared his throat. "So, we cure Emma first?"

Paul nodded. "We'll test the cure on her, and then we'll try to cure more people." He sighed. "The question is, how are we going to find her?"

"Well, we know the aliens like to sing before infecting someone, attempting to make them sad. Emma knows our weaknesses, so it makes sense she'll be the one who tries to infect us. We just have to wait for her."

Paul sighed. "It's going to be difficult."

As Henry and Paul worked on their strategy, Leighton was working on the cure. "Guys, I think I found something," he said after about an hour. "Look at this." Paul and Henry walked to his desk. "Look, if I put this in the blood, it turns blue for a second, but then it becomes normal."

"Fascinating," Henry said. "So, we have a cure?"

"Well, I'll have to find out how much we need to inject into their body for it to work, but yes, I'll make one. If it works I can easily make more."


Leighton looked at Paul and Henry. "I'd like to make a temporary cure too, so we can get Emma here before giving her the cure, I'd like to see the effect it has on humans."

Henry nodded. "Let's get to work."

Paul felt pretty useless. Henry and Leighton were developing a cure and he was... sitting there. He should've paid attention in science class when he was younger.

"Paul, we'll cure you after we're sure the cure works. If it works, I can make more and we can start curing other citizens." Leighton said as he was working.


The next hour was spent mostly in silence, apart from Henry and Leighton whispering to each other, trying to make the perfect cure.

"Done!" Henry said, holding up a syringe. "We got both the temporary and permanent cure!"

"That's awesome!" Paul stood up. "Let's go find Emma."

"Good luck guys, I'll see you soon," Leighton said.

Henry and Paul went to Paul's car and started driving to the park. "I think it'd be good to have a lot of space, so if it goes wrong, we can run away."

The plan was simple: Paul would wait for Emma, while Henry had the cure and waited at a safe distance. When Emma came, Henry would sneak up to her and give her the cure.

When they got out of the car, the men talked about their plan one more time. Paul knew he had the most dangerous task. If it went wrong, he'd most likely get infected and they could find out about the cure through his memory.

He walked to a park bench and sat down while Henry hid behind a trash can.

After only a few minutes, Emma appeared. "Hello, Paul," she said, a grin on her face.

Paul jumped up at the sound of her voice. "Emma!"

Emma slowly approached him. "You have postponed your apotheosis long enough, Paul. Now I will finally get the honor of making you happy."

She punched him in his face, but he grabbed her arm and threw her on the ground. "You don't want to fuck with the Hive, Paul," she warned.

"I'll take that risk."

{BOOK 2} I Thought It Would Be Over - Paulkins/TGWDLM fanficWhere stories live. Discover now