Chapter thirty two

Start from the beginning

“They have long ago accepted me as the prince of the Underworld, the next King to rule this world”.                                                                                                                 “So you just command and they obey?”.                                                                                    “It sort of worked with you that night, didn’t it?” He teased and Penelope immediately blushed as she struggled to get the dirty thoughts out of her mind. Penelope cleared her throat and picked up her speed. She heard Adonis laugh and then he caught up and reappeared at her side.                                                                  “Have you ever been to Tartarus?”.                                                                                          “Yes, I was on two occasions granted permission from Hades and Tartarus himself. I was trained to memorise all 56 different routes to the dark pitted entrance of Tartarus. So I spent endless hours down there with Hades, memorising the route and then finding my way back to Cerberus at the gates of Hell”.                                                                                                                          “That’s amazing. And you haven’t forgotten?”.                                                                                       “I couldn’t, even if I wanted to. It is etched in the back of my mind”.                                   “You are full of questions today” He commented.                                                                 “Would you prefer to walk in silence? It’s a long way till the gates of Hell, isn’t it?”.                                                                                                                                                    “It is. And I wasn’t complaining, I like you best like this”.                                           

Penelope thought that he must be lying to her. She knew he liked her best when she was all tied up, body crimson and bruised from his beatings.                                     “Where are you lost?” Adonis asked her with a sly smile on his face.                                          “I was thinking, why don’t you address Hades and Persephone as your parents? I know your birth story, but they seemed to have accepted you as their son. Hades is even keen on passing down his throne to you”.                                                                                      “I do love and respect them, and in the same breath I can say that I respect my birth parents as well. Even though I was born out of an incestuous relationship, they are still my parents. I guess I felt as though I would be cheating them to disregard their roles of my life”.                                                                                                

“I see. It makes sense. Where are your mother and father now?”.                                                           “King Cinyras’ soul wonders the Elysian Fields. As for Smyrna, I have no idea”. “Have you ever asked Hades for permission to meet with Cinyras?”.                                 “No. I’ve never asked and he’s never offered. I’d prefer it to stay that way”. Penelope nodded her head in understanding, and then pursed her lips in a pout.                                                                                                                                                 “What about Aphrodite?”.                                                                                                                                “What about her?”.                                                                                                                  “Don’t you meet with her?”.                                                                                                    “After I was killed by Ares, Hades forbade another Greek God or Goddess from entering any part of the Underworld. He signed a treaty with Morpheus as well, to make sure they couldn’t use him to get to me. And so, he no longer converses with the Greek Gods and Goddess through dreams”.                                              “So you haven’t seen or heard from her since you died. How does that make you feel? Don’t you miss her?”.                                                                                         

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