Chapter twelve

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“You didn’t get into any trouble with Marcus around, did you?” Penelope worriedly asked Iaso the minute she saw her friend enter the kitchen.            “Chill, I didn’t. I managed to search the entire room I was in, while pretending I was in awe with all the swords and shields. Why are you asking me like that?” She asked, suddenly suspicious.    “I just heard from Nyctimus that Marcus is kind of a trouble maker” Penelope said and shrugged her shoulders.                                                      “I assume you didn’t find anything” Penelope stated.                                            “No, but we will. How was the garden?” Iaso asked as she took an apron off from one of the many hooks along a wall in the kitchen and tied it around her waist.                                                                                                                                    
“Pleasant. Very pleasant” Penelope said and couldn’t help smiling.                          She wanted to inform her friend about Nyctimus but then another bell rang and that signalled the waiters to ready themselves for serving lunch.                     “In ten minutes, lunch will be ready to serve. I expect all waiters ready and waiting for the serving platters in five minutes. Once lunch is served, return to your duties from this morning and make sure it is completed” Penelope saw Iaso rolling her eyes at Oswald’s speech and she had to contain her laugh.           
Then she looked around the room, her eyes searching for Nyctimus. She found him handing over the two woven baskets to the head chef, who thanked him with a smile.                                                                                                                             
The chef returned the empty baskets to Nyctimus, who then carried them down a deserted hallway.
Penelope followed him with her eyes from where she stood, not being able to follow him seeing that he was able to hear her.
He stopped with the baskets at the third door in the hallway, fished out a key from a pocket in his pants, and put the key in the keyhole. The key turned and the door unlocked.                                         Nyctimus disappeared into the room and then returned, minus the baskets. Penelope felt Iaso tugging on her arm.       
                                                                     “Where are you lost? Let’s go wait in line before Oswald starts nagging”.
They were already waiting in line when the bell rang. A scruffy looking elf started handing out platters off a silver trolley.
Penelope received hers and started following the waiters that were in front of her.                                               
When she reached the dining hall she noticed that there was less people present, not even Heracles was there which made her nervous.
At least with him there, she felt somewhat protected. She followed the usual procedure and was soon out of the room.                                                                                                  

When she reached the kitchen, she went over to the hooks along the wall where they all hung their aprons. She hung hers and saw Nyctimus appear on her side out of the corner of her eye.       “Ready for round two of picking apples?” He asked and untied the knot of his apron at the nape of his neck. Penelope hung her apron on the hook.    “Yes, but what happened to the baskets you carried until here” She asked him. “Oh, that’s in the store room. Let me go get it quick” He said.                              Penelope followed him, paying attention to the other doors in the hallway.
“You keep the store room keys as well?” She said as he took the keys out of his pocket, mimicking his expression from earlier.                                                           “I’m impressed”.  Nyctimus smiled widely at her before answering.              “I’m Impressive”.                                                                                                                            
He left the door to the store room wide open and Penelope went inside. Wooden racks from the ceiling to the floor were stacked with vegetables and fruits, fresh and canned.
Several boxes of pots and pans and utensils were scattered around on the floor.                                                                Penelope doubted that the golden obol would be here, but figured it was worth searching for nonetheless.                                                                                                    
She closed the door behind her and started looking around.
Nyctimus picked up the baskets and turned around to look at Penelope.           He frowned at her for closing the door, then his lips split into a wicked smile. “You’re not about to take advantage of me, are you?”.
Penelope didn’t answer him, she only snorted loudly and walked towards one shelf.                                      
“What are you looking for?” He asked her.                                                                  “The obol” She answered and stood on her tip toes reaching to see on a higher shelf.                                                                                                                                           
“Let me help then” He said with a sigh and reached for Penelope’s knees. “Nyctimus!” Penelope shrieked out but Nyctimus had already wrapped his arms around her legs and hoisted her up.
Penelope gripped on the shelf in front of her, while Nyctimus balanced her weight in his arms.                                 “Hefty” He mumbled, but Penelope just ignored him knowing he was taunting her.

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