Chapter eight

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“Oh, my beautiful daughter, look at you” Amphitrite, Penelope’s mother gushed when she saw her. “Hi mother” Penelope said and hugged her.                                                                                         

“No visits in two years? What’s wrong? Did something happen?” She asked, worriedly. “No, nothing. Things just got so busy in my life with training and everything else. But anyway, I’m here now. Mother, I want you to meet Leia and Iaso”. “Machaon’s little sister, you look just like him, do you know that?”.                             

“Thank you” Iaso politely responded. “He served us for a few years. Very kind hearted”. “And you my dear are Aplotita’s daughter? Your mother put peace in our dying warriors’ souls before they drifted over to the Underworld. Never met her though” Penelope’s mother said as if in thought, her lips pursed.                                                            

“Anyway, one the servants will guide you to your rooms. I suggest you rest before dinner is served, my husband will be delighted to meet you all. Penelope, of course your room is just as you had left it”.                                                     

Two sea nymphs walked up the stairs to the second floor with Leia and Iaso. Penelope was about to walk towards the staircase when her Mother stopped her.                                                                     
                                                            “Penelope, I’m so happy that you are here. So happy” Amphitrite took her daughter’s hands in hers and squeezed gently. “Me too, mother” She answered and smiled genuinely, as she thought about seeing her father again.

Penelope settled down on her bed after searching each place possible of the room for the obol and then neatening the room again. The room was comfortably small, with the bare minimum any child needed. A few of her once favourite stuffed animals sat lonesome on a wooden shelf above her large clam shell bed. A soft knock was heard on the door.                                                         

“Come in” She answered and the door opened. “Hi” Leia stuck out her head behind the room door. “Hi. Why are still standing outside, come in”. “This place is amazing” She said and hopped on the bed. “Where’s Iaso?”. “In her room, fiddling about” She said with a shrug. “Can we go exploring?” Leia asked with a twinkle in her eye. “After dinner. We need to start looking for the obol. The sooner the better. Come on let’s go to Iaso and then head down to the dining room”

“Can hardly believe you only spent a few months here, I wouldn’t be able to leave if I were you” Iaso commented as the three of them went down the staircase. “She’s not leaving this time”.                                                                                                       
At the bottom of the staircase stood Rhode, his hunting gear strapped around his waist, and a scowl on his face. Penelope cleared the distance between them and narrowed her eyes at her brother.                                                                                               

“Hunting gear, hey?” Penelope teased as she reached up to embrace him. Between the two brothers, Rhode was always the more spoilt, lazier one who could get away with almost anything. Ironically, when they were younger he had vowed not to become part of the royal battle squadron. “You know there’s ‘plenty of fish in the sea’, and they all require my protection” He answered with a huge smirk on his face. Penelope playfully slapped him on his shoulder.                                                                                                                                   
“And talking about fish in the sea, these two are new. I like new”. Rhode introduced himself to Leia and Iaso, by taking their hands and kissing them gently. “They’re my friends. Rhode you leave them alone” She warned and Rhode put his hands up in surrender.                                                                                                               
“Hey, I’ll try my best”. Penelope rolled her eyes and carried on towards the dining room with her arm hooked into her brother’s. “You have to stay longer this time, to make up for the months that you weren’t here. And don’t even dare say that that isn’t part of the ruling, because I will go straight to the Muse Calliope right now to sort this out, I swear to the Gods!”. Penelope laughed at her younger brother’s reaction.  “Relax, I’m staying, but I can’t say how long and I’m not going to be promising anything”.

The four of them entered the dining hall. It looked just like it did two years ago. Blue and gold drapes hung from the ceiling until the floor. Golden cutlery neatly placed on the table, and a huge extravagant almost too big vase at the middle of the table. Poseidon sat at the head of the table, in his red velvet robe, her mother on his left side and Triton on the right. “So, you’ve finally returned?” Poseidon asked as they entered. “Yes” She said and looked at Poseidon’s outstretched arms that waited for her to hug him. But this time was different. Now she knew the monster behind the facade. Penelope took in a deep breath before plastering the most genuine smile she was able to form and wrapped her arms around Poseidon.                                                                         

“I am pleased that you have finally decided to return. Word from land says that you have been busy training as a warrior?”. Penelope once again smiled, this once was sincere though. “In the meantime, introduce me to your companions". When Penelope completed the introductions, she sat down next to Rhode who sat next to their Mother. Iaso and Leia sat on the opposite side. Penelope noticed Triton glaring at her and was taken aback at his expression. Nevertheless, she shook it off and fed her hungry stomach.                                                     

While dessert was being served, Penelope noticed a familiar brown haired elf, carrying a golden tray of delicacies. It was the same elf that she had met two years ago on the balcony of the banquet hall.                                                                 

The one who reunited her with her Father. She never saw her again after that but was always grateful to her. She tried to stealthily get the elf’s attention, but the elf was only looking down at the floor. “May I be excused, King Poseidon?” Penelope asked and stood up from where she was seated.                                                                                                                                   
“Oh, Penelope. How many a time have I told you to call me by my name?” The Sea King asked with a laugh. “Sorry, Habits” She replied with a large smile.    “You may be excused” He said and continued eating his dessert. Penelope gave a look at Iaso, knowing that she would catch on, before she made her way out of the room.

The kitchen was the one place in the palace that Penelope had never been to. Whenever she was hungry, she would make use of the services available and call a servant to tend to her. Regardless, she made her way through the hustling corridor below the dining hall and found the elf that she was looking for.                                                                                                                                                

“Hi, hope you remember me” Penelope said. The elf recognised her immediately, her eyes widening in fear. Then she took Penelope by the hand,  dragging her into one of the storage rooms. “What are you doing her, Miss?!” She exclaimed after she shut the door behind them. “It’s dangerous for you to be seen with me, even more dangerous for you to be in this palace”.                                                                                                                    
“How is my Father doing? Do you meet him often?” She asked, ignoring the elf’s warnings. “As often as I possibly can. I take him the bread that we usually feed the royal seahorses. It’s not much, but it suffices his hunger” She said sadly. “I need to see him” Penelope pleaded desperately. “It’s too risky. I’m sure the family already doubts your reasons for being here, since you haven’t visited for two whole years”.                                                                        

“I don’t care. I just need to see him. Has he told you about my quest?”. “Is that why you are here?!” The elf looked shocked and afraid. “Then I need to get you to your Father”. The elf paced the short distance of the storage room, as if making a decision. “Meet me tonight at the weapons room. No one will be there, so there shouldn’t be a problem. Come alone”.

Her Quest Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum