I walk towards the kitchen feeling hungry, also it's almost dinner time. "Do you have any groceries?" I called out, not finding anything instant to eat.

"If you are going to make dinner, yes, if the answer is no then we have to order," Vikram shrugged leaning against kitchen door.

"Show me what you got and then I'll decide what to make", after a lot of shuffling and disagreement, we finally decided on egg fried rice.

I finished cooking and went to freshen up, as I reached down I was presented with a neatly plated dish and Vikram trying to capture it in his phone.

"Well, not bad then, my dish reached Vikram's gallery, I am glad," faking courtesy as I laughed.

He smiled and took his plate walking to the sofa, we ate in silence.

"Movie?" He questioned, I raised my head, I am not sleepy so why not, "sure, let me clean the dishes, till then choose a movie," I walked back to kitchen and started cleaning.

He is kinda sweet, he managed to get Zoro a bed and all his food even though he claims that he don't like him. I smiled remember the photo he sent me in the morning.

I reached the hall grabbing a pillow with a bed sheet. I made my self comfortable on the single seat and Vikram is all set to start .

"Ready?" He asks, I nodded and he pressed the play button revealing the title. It seemed like a horror movie, I actually enjoy those movies.

Vikram has been glancing at me in between and now it's creeping me out, I raise an eyebrow at him, he just shook his head and turned towards the TV.

I find myself engrossed in the movie and we also watched another one part 2 of the same movie. I was so into the movie that I didn't realise Vikram slept in the couch, his head on the arm still holding the remote.

I slowly reached for the remote trying to get it out of his grip, he stirred making me freeze on my spot. Gladly he didn't wake up, I switched the TV off and tip toed to one of the guest room upstairs.


Vikram's POV

I turned to my right covering me with the blanket, and I realise there is no bed and I'm falling kissing the floor.

Great morning

Last night events came into my mind, I think I slept in the middle of the movie, but I remember not sleeping with the blanket, she might have put it on me.

I glanced at the clock, it's 8 in the morning, I changed into some track pants and tee , locking the house I started going out for a run.

I came back and still no sign of Rhea waking up. I bathed and went into the kitchen assessing for my breakfast. I decide on making a toast and omelette.

Breaking the eggs, some onions and salt and pepper I mix everything into a perfect blend. I look at my watch and it's almost 10.

I will just wake her up.

I went upstairs and we had 2 guest rooms, I opened the first door only to find it empty, I walk to the other, standing in front of the door I started to think how to wake her.

Should I go in?

Should I just call her?

Just knock the door!

I don't know why I am nervous, may be because I never did it, waking up someone, I am the one who is been waken up by others. I step forward and knocked the door.

No reply

Let's just call her.

I took my phone out and called her number, it rang many times but I didn't hear any sound, may be she put her phone in silent mode.

"Rhea?" I knocked loudly this time.

I heard some shuffling from inside, I stepped back creating some distance. She opened the door.

What the ....

Her hair is left open and it looks like a storm just passed through it. She stood there holding the door tightly, in her loose t shirt and Pajama's, her eyes half open, yawning at me. I don't know but she kind of looked cute.

"Did I wake you up?" I tried to talk, but I internally face palmed myself for the question I just asked.

"What does it look like?" she responded rubbing her eyes coming into this world from her dream land.

"It's almost ten, so I thought you might be hungry," scratching the back of my head.

"Oh..," putting a strand of hair behind her ear," I'll just freshen up," she said trying to adjust her t shirt not looking at me.

I guess she is little a uncomfortable, so I looked down," breakfast is ready, come soon" and I just walked down stairs.

I put ghee on the bread and put it on the pan, making them golden color, I took them out on to a plate.

As I was pouring the omelette, I heard footsteps and I turned to see Rhea standing at the door in a simple jeans and button down shirt, her hair in a bun.

I have seen many models in the agency but everyone are just faking the beauty with their make up and stuff. But here she is not caring a bit without makeup also she looks great.

"Almost done, sit down," I turned back to the omelette.

I put bread and some omelette in her plate and the rest in mine." What do you think we should do today?" I asked taking a bite of my toast.

"Let's try potty training Zoro?" She managed to say, I nodded.

"At what time will Aaru and jiju reach here?" She asked.

I remembered I didn't answer her yesterday, " their flight is at 7 in the evening" , I informed.

Vas happeningggg readers

Today's remainder: live while we're young!

Give me a 🌟 if you are sleepyheads like me😅

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