𝖝𝖑𝖎. This Ends in Heartbreak

Start from the beginning

See? This is exactly why John B needs her. She's a rich kid, she can bail him out if anything happens. Hell, she can pay for everything he needs! She just has to tell JJ that.

"JJ, we heard sirens all night long," she tries to reassure him. "They wouldn't still be patrolling if they caught him."

JJ nods, but there's still worry written all over his face. "Man, I have a bad feeling."

She licks her lips, looking out to the distance. "Yeah. Yeah, no, me too." She turns back to him, smiling softly. The smile that gets him choked up and stuttering. "But you know, someone said once that you can't kill John B."

His eyes darken. She can't keep smiling at him like that, it's just not fair.

She tilts her head to the side, and purses her lips. Fuck. "What?" she asks as if she doesn't know the effect she has on him.

He clears his throat. Friends. He promised. "Nothing."

She arches her brow. "No, really, what?"


"Don't make me choke it out of you."

"What makes you think I'd say no–"

"Guys," Pope groans, coming up to them. "It's too early for your sexual tension, please."

"You know," Kie speaks up, sitting up from her makeshift bed. "We were in that car. And even if Henry's alibi for us is going to work for a while, now they're probably looking for us, too."

Kathryn runs a hand on her face, sighing. This isn't going to get better, nothing is. There's no hoping that at the end of the day everyone will hug each other and shed happy tears.

This ends in heartbreak.

"Well," Pope says. "If we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B."

She turns to him with a frown. His sentiment is right, but his voice is harsh and full of resentment. He lost his scholarship for this, after all. He's allowed to be pissed.

"So what, we get him off the island before they find him?" Kathryn asks, frowning. Pope ignores her, going through JJ's stuff and pulling out the motorcycle's keys. "Pope? I'm talking to you here, babe."

"Sorry, Kat–Yeah, that's the plan. Take the Phantom, and leave. You get the boat." He nods. "I'm gonna get gas for the boat."

He walks away, looking down. Kathryn wants to go after him and ask what's going on, but she's not sure they even have the time for that.

Kie walks out after him. "Hey, you be careful. Okay?"

Pope shoots her a dirty look, before turning towards two very confused JJ and Kathryn. "Meet me at the dock at three. Don't be late."

Kathryn looks at JJ before giving Pope a weirded out thumbs up. Kie is not having any of this, and she follows him to JJ's bike.

"Okay, what is your problem?" Kie screams at him, following him towards the bike.

"No problem, officer, I'm just doing my job," he answers, not looking back, not stopping. He's doing a great job, that's totally believable. Kathryn a hundred percent does not want to sit him down and question him.

Kie catches up to him as he reaches the bike and sits on it. Kathryn and JJ stop at the small wooden balcony, not wanting to be a part of this, but also kind of wanting to watch it happen.

"Look, I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings," she says, but he revs his engine, swallowing her voice.

"What was that?" he sarcastically asks.

Lost At Sea ⋆ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now