Chapter 9

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"Point me to Clay's Father."

The wand swiveled around and it pointed north west. Sharing a determined look, both boys trekked towards the old hut. There were lights on in the house, though they looked like they were going to fizzle out. George took a deep breath and knocked on the door 3 times. Footsteps could be heard shuffling towards the door. It opened and the two boys were presented with an unkempt man. His clothes were torn and tattered and he held a bottle of Firewhiskey in his right hand.

"What are you lads doing here? Scram."

His words were slurred.

"I don't think so," Nick raised his wand arm swiftly and his wand was poking into Clay's Father's neck. His eyes narrowed.

"What are you doing you brat? Let me off now!" He snarled.

"Did you know it's illegal to cast the Cruciatus Curse?" George asked calmly.

"Wha… how did you know?"

"Let us into your home and we'll tell you."

Clay's Father backed up slowly as he was being pushed by Nick's wand. George locked the door behind him. Nick pushed him all the way into the rickety old couch in the living room and forced him to sit down while George rummaged in his bag for something. He pulled out a small vial of clear liquid.

"Drink this."

"I'm not going to drink whatever poison you're going to give me."

"It's not fucking poison and if you talk to him in that tone one more time I'll blast your head off, you understand?" Nick warned, pushing the wand further into his neck.

George uncorked the vial and tipped it down his throat. Nick warily drew back his wand.

"Who is your son?" George asked.

"Clay Block."

"It works." Nick breathed out in awe. He knew George was spectacular at potions but to brew Veritaserum so potent in such a short time would have given him a Potions Master title.

"Have you cast Locus Crucio on your son?" George asked.

"I have."

"What is the mindset change that warrants the activation of the spell?"

"His sexuality."

George lips pursed together. In a much more shaky voice, one riddled with emotion, he said one word.


Clay's Father's face showed no emotion.

"No son of mine will be a fag. Boys should only marry girls. Boys marrying each other is unnatural. Disgusting. It shouldn't be allowed."

At 'disgusting', George took his wand out and pointed it at the drunken man.

"You know what you are? You are unnatural, for even thinking like that. You are disgusting, for torturing your son. You shouldn't be allowed to have children!" George yelled the last word out. His hand was shaking and he twisted his wand.

"You know what I want to do? I want to kill you. I want you to experience a hundredfold the pain you have caused your son. But I won't do that. Why? Because I don't want to hurt your son. I don't want him to feel sad that his sorry excuse of a father was killed. Hell, I don't even know if he will feel sad for you. But the thing is, I don't know. So I won't do it, not yet. But if your son says that he will feel joy from your death, know that I will find you and you will die."

George spat on the floor.

"You will undo the curse you have placed on your son, you understand? After that, you will stay in this house and you will never leave. Not even to get food. Scavenge for something to eat around the house like how your son did when he stayed with you. If I find out that you broke my rules, I won't give two hoots what Clay says. I will murder you with my bare hands."

Clay's father's face drained of colour. He nodded stiffly.

"Don't think I won't find out if you disobeyed my orders. Reverse the curse. Now."

He took out his wand from his back pocket and muttered a few words. George smelt something disappearing, and suddenly the air became fresher.

"Let's go. I don't want to be around this bastard any longer."

Shooting one last glare at the disheveled man, George strided away. Before the boys could exit the house, Clay's father cried, "Wait!"

"What is it, scumbag?" Nick said, venom dripping from his words.

"How did you know I cast it? The Cruciatus curse?"

George barked a laugh.

"You were unfortunate enough that your son met one of the only people in Britain with the Gift."

With that, he turned around his heels and left.

Clay's POV

Clay lay in George's bed. He had been recovering from the pain he felt a few days ago. George and Nick had come into the room, but they seemed distant. Like there was a barrier between them. Oh how he missed human interaction. George had begun sleeping in the guest room and Clay had no idea why.

Was it something I did to George that's making him so distant from me?

Yet George had assured him he had done nothing wrong. So why would he refuse to be touched?

Clay remembered George was sitting by his bed and was talking to him. George's hands were by his lap. Clay reached out to place his hand on George's because he was telling a rather emotional story. Instead of letting him place his hands, George flinched away and stood up abruptly. He quickly hurried out after that.

Clay was sure he did something wrong. He had racked his brains for things he may have done to offend the both of them but he could find none.

Suddenly, he heard the door creak open.

"Clay?" A familiar voice called out. George!

"I'm upstairs," He said as loudly as he could. The pattering of footsteps on the stairs could be heard, and Clay could discern out Nick's more forceful ones.

George and Nick burst into the room. They looked like they had gone out, and a strange smell lingered on them. The smell of… Firewhiskey. The same exact Firewhiskey his father drank.

"You've been to my father's house, haven't you?"

George bit his lip.

"We have. And I think we need to talk."

1042 words
to reward y'all for waiting patiently for me to update when I have my exams, here is two chapters in a day! be warned, this is probably never going to happen again :D

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