Chapter 5

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Gasps could be heard around the class. The two best duelists in their year would be head to head. And the entire year would be watching.

This duel wouldn't be some random class duel. The winner would get the glory and pride of winning his opponent, and no one in school would dare cross him in fear of being destroyed in combat. And the loser? He'll be known as the person who got defeated forever.

Clay and Dave both knew that. And both were willing to take the risk.

"Very well. Mr. Clay and Mr. Blade, step up to the floor."

Cheers erupted for both boys who stood up from their seats and went to the front.

"I'm ready when you are, Clay." he jeered.

"I'm more ready than you are, Dave." Dream retorted as he pushed up his sleeves to his elbows. Grasping his wand in his right hand, both men took a ready stance.

"It's Technoblade." Dave gritted.

Professor Stephens came out in the middle of them.


Clay and Dave both bowed at each other.

"1, 2, 3, start!"


A red jet of light burst out of Daves's wand. It travelled straight at Clay, getting dangerously close to him before a flick of his wand directed it away. Dave's eyes narrowed.


A cobra came forth from the stick of wood and landed on the floor. It hissed angrily at Dream.

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

The serpent soared through the air and flew straight to Dave. Dave effortlessly vanished it, however, he seemed a little shaken at the idea of his spell being used against him. Clay saw this moment of weakness and seized it.

"Reducto! Expelliarmus!"

The ground beside Dave exploded, causing him to jump, thus leaving him unguarded. The red light grabbed his wand which was loosely held in his right hand, causing it to fly towards Dream. Clay caught it in midair.

"Clay wins." Professor Stephens said. Clay smirked and tossed the wand to Dave, who caught it gritted teeth.

Clay held his hand out. The pink haired boy grasped it so hard, Clay could hear his bones crack. He winced.

Clay returned to his seat. Nick flashed a smile at him and gave him a thumbs up. Clay laughed.

"Why do you like to imitate a tea kettle?"

Clay glanced over and saw George staring at him, eyebrows raised.

"My laugh's just like that. It's weird, I know."

"I like it."

Clay stifled a grin.

"You like it? I've never heard anyone say that before."

"Well, I can be the first one then."

Clay laughed again, stuffing his wand into his bookbag. He leaned into George's ear, his breath scraping it.

"Thanks for not telling anyone."

George held his breath.

"How did you know I didn't say anything?"

Clay laughed, but this time his laugh was void of happiness. 

"I didn't get hauled up to McGonnagal, did I? That means you kept your mouth shut. Thanks. I mean it."

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