Chapter 7

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"Your friend is going to be living with us for the break?"

"Yeah, is that ok with you?"

"I'm fine with it. I'm working late today so you two grab dinner first. I trust you have your debit card?"

"I do. See you later Dad!"


George hung up the call. He rushed over to Clay excitedly.

"My Dad said yes!"

Clay grinned.

"Great. So, are we waiting here for your Dad to pick us up?"

"Actually, he asked to grab dinner for ourselves because he's working late today. I know a good Chinese place near here."

"Chinese food? I've never tried that before."

"First time for everything then."

They walked out of the station and made a pitstop near an ATM to get cash. Soon, they arrived at the restaurant.

Entering the restaurant, they could hear some old 1950 Chinese classics playing in the background.

"How many people?" A young raven haired woman asked.

"两个人。(2 people.)"

The waitress looked pleasantly surprised. She offered them to a table and gave them both menus.

"I didn't know you knew Chinese." Clay commented, impressed.

"I studied in China for a year. I know basic Chinese, but I'm not very good at it."

They both ordered their meals, George ordering sweet and sour pork and some vegetables between the both of them.

Their dinner was a pleasant one. They were sipping on their tea when George felt his phone vibrate.

"Looks like my Dad's home from work. Wanna go?"

"Sure." Clay said, downing his tea in a gulp.

George's home was very cozy. It had a modern feel to it since it was located in Muggle London. Clay had never seen anything like it before.

"Your home's so cool!"

"It's nothing compared to the higher end ones down the road. Lemme show you my room."

If Clay thought George's home was modern, his room was 10x more so.

It was decked with a gaming PC with an RGB setup, and had multicoloured lights on the ceiling. He had dual monitors with a brightly lit mechanical keyboard.

"I'll get Dad to magic up a bed for you on the floor. It's not too messy for you right?" George asked, worried that his friend would feel that his room was too cluttered for Clay.

"Are you kidding me? It's amazing!" Clay exclaimed.

George grinned.

They spent the whole night watching cute cat videos on YouTube. Clay was enthralled with the fact that so much content could be found on such a small screen. They did not realise it was morning until George noticed the sun peeking out from the horizon.

"Wow, it's sunrise already." he said.

"Is it really?" Clay yawned.

"Yeah, it is. I think we should get some sleep you know?"


George transfigured one of his pillows into a mattress.

"Won't the Ministry realise that you did magic?"

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